Jared Schmeck—the man who said, "Let's go Brandon" to President Joe Biden during a Christmas Eve phone call—has said he's considering running for political office, adding, "God put me in this position for a reason."

Schmeck made his comment during an interview with conservative Christian broadcaster Todd Starnes. Starnes asked him if he had any plans to run for office.

"I want to pray about it, see what God has for me," Schmeck replied. "At the end of the day, I want His will for my life and the direction that it goes."

"I do feel like God put me in this position for a reason," he continued. "And I strongly believe that standing up is the right thing to do here as long as that message that I'm portraying is glorifying His name. And yeah, I'll see where it goes."

Jared Schmeck Lets Go Brandon political office
Jared Schmeck, the Trump-supporter who told Democratic President Joe Biden, "Let's go Brandon" during a Christmas Eve phone call, has since said that he has prayed on the possibility of running for political office. In this photo, Biden and first lady Dr. Jill Biden participate in an event to call NORAD and track the path of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve in the South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Building on December 24, 2021 in Washington, DC.Alex Wong/Getty

Schmeck gained notoriety on Christmas Eve when he called President Biden and the first lady as part of the North American Aerospace Defense Command's (NORAD) Santa-tracker broadcast.

Schmeck concluded his call by stating, "Let's go Brandon," a euphemism for "F*** Joe Biden."

Biden replied, "Let's go Brandon. I agree," as the first lady lightly laughed.

While Schmeck said he "stood 100 percent" behind what he said, he also said he felt "no animosity" towards Biden.

"It was merely just an innocent jest to also express my God-given right to express my frustrations in a joking manner," Schmeck said. "I love him just like I love any other brother or sister."

Early into his notoriety, Schmeck insisted that he's "not a Trumper," meaning an avid supporter of Republican former President Donald Trump. However, he quickly backpedaled that claim.

Wearing Trump's trademark "Make America Great Again" hat, Schmeck spoke on Monday on former Trump adviser Steve Bannon's War Room Pandemic podcast.

"Donald Trump is my president and he should still be president right now," Schmeck told Bannon. "The election was 100 percent stolen. I just want to make that clear."

Schmeck was repeating Trump's baseless claim that the 2020 election was "stolen" through an unprecedented national conspiracy of voter fraud. Trump's former attorney general, head of U.S. cybersecurity infrastructure, over 60 court cases and statewide audits have all concluded that there's no real evidence to back up the claim.

Schmeck told Bannon, "'Let's go Brandon' is more than just 'F Joe Biden.' 'Let's go Brandon' encompasses the entirety of our frustration with Joe Biden, the administration, the leftist mob, the cancel culture, the mainstream media."