Ricky Martin’s nephew drops sexual relationship, harassment allegations against singer

During a virtual court hearing on Thursday, Ricky Martin‘s nephew withdrew the case in which he had formerly accused the pop singer of stalking and harassing him.

Martin’s nephew filed for a temporary restraining order in Puerto Rico in June, claiming at the time he “fears for his safety” after he and Martin, 50, allegedly engaged in an incestuous sexual and romantic relationship that lasted seven months.

Telemundo, an NBC-owned American Spanish-language television network, obtained the legal documents and originally reported the story.

According to the protection order filed by Martin’s nephew (and obtained by NBC), the accuser and his uncle “separated 2 months ago but the respondent does not accept the separation.”

He alleged that Martin “calls him frequently,” and had been seen “hanging around his residence on at least 3 occasions.”

The nephew “voluntarily desisted” from moving forward with the case on Thursday, and told the judge he no longer needed the restraining order. The temporary restraining order had been set to expire the same day.

Both Martin and his nephew attended the virtual hearing, though the judge did not allow the public or press any access, citing Puerto Rico’s Act 54, which protects the identity of individuals making domestic violence allegations.

On Wednesday, a spokesperson for Martin told NBC that the pop star would directly address the Puerto Rican judge and deny all allegations brought forward by his nephew.

One of Martin’s lawyers, Marty Singer, provided a statement, claiming “the person who made this claim is struggling with deep mental health challenges.”

“Ricky Martin has, of course, never been — and would never be — involved in any kind of sexual or romantic relationship with his nephew,” Singer told NBC.

In a Facebook livestream from early July, Eric Martin, the singer’s half-brother, also claimed the accuser suffered from “mental health problems.”

Puerto Rican police released a statement Wednesday afternoon claiming that a person — who was later revealed to be Martin’s nephew — filed a complaint alleging they received two “intimidating phone calls” the night prior.

The first call reportedly came from a number with a Canadian area code. The police statement said Martin’s nephew answered the call and spoke to a man who was “threatening him with death if he spoke at the hearing.”

Authorities also claim Martin’s nephew received a second threatening call from a New York area code. The caller knew the street where he lives, the police report stated.

NBC reported both phone numbers had been disconnected by Wednesday evening. Following Thursday’s hearing, Martin’s legal team released a statement.

“Just as we had anticipated, the temporary protection order was not extended by the Court,” the statement read. “The accuser confirmed to the court that his decision to dismiss the matter was his alone, without any outside influence or pressure, and the accuser confirmed he was satisfied with his legal representation in the matter.”

“This was never anything more than a troubled individual making false allegations with absolutely nothing to substantiate them,” the lawyers added. “We are glad that our client saw justice done and can now move forward with his life and his career.”

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