Victims rights advocate Kennedy calls for resignation of Hockey Canada leaders

Former NHL player and victims rights advocate Sheldon Kennedy has called for the resignation of Hockey Canada president and chief executive officer Scott Smith, his leadership team and the organization’s board of directors as scrutiny of the organization’s handling of sexual abuse allegations involving its players continues.

Kennedy posted his demand on Twitter in a statement responding to Hockey Canada’s “action plan” released Monday to combat toxic culture.

His statement came after the end of Tuesday’s round of parliamentary hearings investigating Hockey Canada’s handling of sexual assault allegations involving past world junior team players.

Kennedy had recently said that a July 11 open letter from Hockey Canada, promising reforms and the reopening of an investigation into a 2018 allegation of group sexual assault, was “a good first step.”

But on Tuesday, he called Hockey Canada “the same people with a new plan expecting different result.”

Kennedy has been a voice for victims following his own experience being abused by then-coach Graham James in junior hockey.

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