The crucial outcome of Battle of Britain was immortalized by Sir Winston Churchill when he said, "never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."
Those few are being remembered at the 82nd anniversary of the Battle of Britain during the Second World War, which many historians believe was a pivotal win for the Allied forces.
To commemorate the significance of the battle, Mayor Jeff Lehman has declared the week beginning Sept. 12th as Battle of Britain Week in Barrie
The Battle of Britain is considered one of the greatest air battles – and the turning point – of the Second World War.
It was fought between July 10 and Oct. 31, 1940, over the southern part of England and the English Channel.
It was during this battle that a relatively small group of pilots from Commonwealth and Allied countries interrupted Hitler's plan for the invasion of the U.K.
More than one hundred Canadian pilots and air personnel served with various units of Fighter Command of the Royal Air Force. The Battle of Britain is significant for the Royal Canadian Air Force since it was during that battle that the RCAF received its baptism by fire, said local historian Norm Marion.
Marion said the Battle of Britain Sunday is celebrated annually to commemorate the point in the battle when Fighter Command delivered such a punishing blow to the Luftwaffe that Hitler decided to postpone his planned invasion of Great Britain indefinitely.
There are two commemorative events planned to mark the occasion in Barrie.
The first was the proclamation of Battle of Britain Week in Barrie during a Flag Raising at City Hall on Monday, 12 Sept., at 10 a.m.
Members of the Royal Canadian Air Force Association, along with the Mayor, local MPPs, the 16 Wing CFB Borden Commander, and the CO 400 Squadron were in attendance.
The second event will be a Battle of Britain memorial ceremony held at the Barrie Military Heritage Park at 11 a.m. on Sunday, 18 Sept.
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