CRIME HUNTER: Serial killer gets death x 3 in Midwest rampage

In the United States, being on the lower end of the socio-economic spectrum is not a lot of laughs.

The vaunted American Dream is always about a lifetime of paycheques away.

This was the hardscrabble world Alton Coleman was born into in Waukegan, Illinois in 1955. His mom worked three jobs only to fall short every day of her life. As a result, young Alton lived with his elderly grandmother.

School ended in Grade 7 or 8. He had a criminal career to tend to and that kicked off with a slew of sex crimes between 1973 and 1983. His taste for sex, torture and murder had merely been whetted.

Alton Coleman was different. He would become that rarity, an African-American engaging in that most American of criminal acts: Serial killing. With a female sidekick. And nearly all of his victims were Black.

Vwernita Wheat was the first victim. HANDOUT/ KENOSHA POLICE"90&strip=all&w=576 2x" height="599" loading="lazy" src="" width="1000"/>
Vwernita Wheat was the first victim. HANDOUT/ KENOSHA POLICE

“(In the middle of one sex attack he) went into a practically incoherent tirade about how Blacks were forcing him to rape and murder other Blacks, as if that could somehow explain and justify his actions,” famed FBI profiler John Douglas wrote in his book The Anatomy of Motive.

In 1983, Coleman, then 29 years old, had hooked up with his mentally-challenged muse in murder, Debra Brown.

The first to die was nine-year-old Vernita Wheat of Kenosha, Wisconsin. The couple kidnapped the little girl and took her to his home turf of Waukegan on May 29, 1984.

Her body was found a few blocks from his grandmother’s apartment on June 19. She had been raped and strangled to death.

Tamika Turks did not survive. HANDOUT/ GARY POLICE"90&strip=all&w=576 2x" height="867" loading="lazy" src="" width="1000"/>
Tamika Turks did not survive. HANDOUT/ GARY POLICE

Next stop for the killer couple was hard luck Gary, Indiana. There, Coleman and Brown sexually assaulted nine-year-old Annie and her niece, seven-year-old Tamika Turks. Annie survived, Tamika did not. Her body was also discovered on June 19, 1984.

Annie would later testify they were snatched on their way home from a candy store and lured into the woods with the promise of playing a game. She was then forced to perform oral sex on both Coleman and Brown before being choked out.

That same day, 25-year-old Donna Williams also vanished from Gary. Her body was found in an empty lot in Detroit on July 11. She too had been raped and strangled.

Coleman and Brown were special additions to the FBIs 10 Most Wanted list. HANDOUT/ FBI"90&strip=all&w=576 2x" height="647" loading="lazy" src="" width="1000"/>
Coleman and Brown were special additions to the FBIs 10 Most Wanted list. HANDOUT/ FBI

Toledo, Ohio was next on Coleman and Brown’s road trip of horror. There, they strangled and raped young mom Virginia Temple and her nine-year-old daughter Rachelle.

Brown and Coleman conned a minister into driving them to Cincinnati and after a few prayers, the killing began anew.

Her name was Tonnie Storey. On July 11, 1984, the 15-year-old Cincinnati girl left home to attend a computer class at school. She was found eight days later, bound and strangled to death in an abandoned building.

One classmate identified Coleman who was in the company of a woman who was last seen talking to Storey. A fingerprint lifted from the scene matched Coleman’s.

But the killer couple were far from through. Their next stop was Norwood, Ohio on July 13, 1984. Using a ruse to buy Harry Walters’ trailer, the couple wormed their way into his home.

End of the line for Alton Coleman. BETTMAN ARCHIVES/ GETTY IMAGES"90&strip=all&w=576 2x" height="660" loading="lazy" src="" width="1000"/>
End of the line for Alton Coleman. BETTMAN ARCHIVES/ GETTY IMAGES

Walters was left unconscious, his wife Marlene was dead. Both were found with ligatures around their throats.

Coleman and Brown then made their way back to Indiana and closer to home. But the clock was ticking.

On July 20, as they walked across a street in Evansville, Indiana, one of Coleman’s former neighbours spotted them. He raced to a gas station and called the cops who arrested the pair at a local park. She had a gun, he had a knife.

The couple were wanted in Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Kentucky.

One thing was certain: Authorities and the public were demanding that Alton Coleman and Debra Brown fry for their sickening crimes. Their guilt was never in doubt.

When Alton Coleman arrived in prison, there were about 3,700 of the doomed on death rows across the U.S. Coleman was a singular murderous superstar: He was the only one sentenced to die in three different states.

Coleman and Brown’s registry of horrors included eight murders, seven rapes, three kidnappings, and 14 armed robberies.

On April 26, 2002, Coleman ate a final meal fit for a glutton: Filet mignon with mushrooms, fried chicken, salad with French dressing, sweet potato pie topped with whipped cream, French fries, collard greens, onion rings, cornbread, broccoli with melted cheese, biscuits and gravy, and Cherry Coke.

He then released a letter apologizing for his crimes before walking into the death house at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility and getting the needle to oblivion.

Brown had also been sentenced to get the big adios as well but given her low IQ scores and the “master-slave” relationship with Coleman, her sentence was commuted to life in prison.

During the death penalty phase of her trial, she passed a note to the judge.

It read: “I killed the bitch and I don’t give a damn. I had fun out of it.”


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