EDITORIAL: Chickpea shortage a sign of the times

Economic turbulence is going to get worse before it gets better. The warnings of a global chickpea shortage are just one more reminder of the worrisome trend in product shortages and soaring costs.

A number of international reports are now sounding the alarm of a looming shortage that will see the global supply of chickpeas drop by 20%.

There are many culprits believed to be behind this fluctuation in production. Droughts and extreme weather have damaged crops. Supply chain issues are causing problems with distribution. And Russia’s war on Ukraine has disrupted global food supply patterns.

A one fifth revision in production of one tiny little food product doesn’t seem like a big deal at first. But it can be.

Chickpeas are a staple in the diet of many cultures and for vegetarians. It is the key ingredient in hummus. This will cause ripple effects for other products, as well as minor ripple effects throughout the economy.

As with all products, if there is a noticeable dip in supply, prices will go up. This is the last thing consumers need given how inflation has seen other food prices soar in recent months.

While Canada produces chickpeas, it does not seem like we will be well-positioned to make up for the global shortage. We will be dealing with our own challenges.

Forecasts by Statistics Canada anticipates that the amount of chickpeas produced in Canada this coming season is going to be half what it’s been in recent years — plummeting to 110 kilotonnes from around 220 kilotonnes.

When a problem has global origins, it can be hard to ask what we, as Canadians, can do about it. But one thing that must be key is that governments realize that this is yet another hardship, however small, placed on consumers.

Lower income persons will be disproportionately affected. So don’t make things worse.

Liberal government policies like the original carbon tax, the second carbon tax (Clean Fuel Standard), and the potentially destructive fertilizer regulations will all make life harder.

It’s time to step away from such policies.

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