Gouls already flogging Queen Elizabeth merch on eBay

Tea cups, stamps, fridge magnets, salt and pepper collections featuring Corgis: the gouls wasted no time before flogging Queen Elizabeth II items on eBay.

British newspapers from Friday, Sept. 9 with the Queen on the cover — announcing her death — are already being sold online, some listed at $50. (U.S.)

Candy and cookie tins, china figurines, a Platinum Jubilee Barbie Doll, key chains, stuffed animals, vintage magazines, lapel pins, buttons and every conceivable item with some connection to the monarch is up for sale on eBay now.

According to the New York Post, several unusual items are also listed.

There are two wax figurines of the Queen up for sale, for example, both priced at just under $16,000.

At least one of them started life as a movie prop, apparently.

Both are being sold by the same person, who claims each figure has real human hair, resin eyeballsand teeth created from dental veneer templates.

For $12,000 you could buy an old teabag allegedly used for a cuppa by the Queen herself in the late ’90s.

It’s an interesting grift, but only to someone who doesn’t understand that tea is a sacrament to the British and Queen Elizabeth would have had bespoke teas.

And would the queen have used a tea bag? Inquiring minds want to know.

A pseudo certificate of ersatz authenticity goes along with the teabag.

The teabag was supposedly smuggled out of Windsor Castle by an exterminator who was there to rid the place of roaches in 1998.

As of Friday the collector’s item teabag has been removed from sale.

Not all the items are tawdry.

There’s a 1953 Queen Elizabeth sheet of stamps from Singapore ($39,888) up for grabs.

A handsome artist’s wood box with sterling silver fittings — created for the Queen’s 1977 Silver Jubilee — is for sale for $51,700.

As for provenance and pricing: caveat emptor.

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