Letters to the Editor, July 30, 2022


Just read your editorial on the airport mess being an international embarrassment (July 23). Couldn’t agree more. That being said, maybe we should rename the airport after Justin Trudeau. After all he, too, is an international embarrassment.

Todd Keller

(That would be too much of an embarrassment to the airport)


Your article “Vladimir Putin could be ‘dragged from power’ by 2024: Ex-U.S. official” (Bang Showbiz, July 16) ignores the fact that a leader expanding his country’s territory will always be popular with his people. That’s what Shakespeare meant in ‘Antony and Cleopatra’: “… It hath been taught us from the primal state, That he which is was wish’d until he were…” Yes, it is an imperial thinking, with the Bard living in one empire and writing about another one extinct then. As Putin’s mammoth task of clawing back Russian territories, i.e. restoring a third, won’t be completed quickly his Kremlin tenure is safe and he is still being wished. I personally thought that our d(C)tente with the West was too good to be true and last. That’s why I never bought a Western car. Now without spare parts millions of them here soon will become a monument to that short period. And being an English language aficionado, I only regret that your books are disappearing fast from our shops.

Mergen Mongush

(There are too many casualties to this war and we feel for the Russian people who oppose Putin’s appalling actions against Ukraine, yet can do nothing about it)


Rather than just an apology, wouldn’t helping the Indigenous people get clean water be a wonderful gesture? I’m sure the Catholic Church could afford to do this!

Judith Davy

(So too should the federal government)


When it seemed Erin O’Toole was the great new choice of change, many of us jumped on the bandwagon and voted. Well, well. We got drowned and no life preserver and abandoned. Frankly, until I see more red Tory going to finally thrash and trash the Liberals vs kissing up, and the progressives finally dunked in the Ottawa River in the winter sun who destroyed the party, in actuality, I am waiting to the last minute to vote for a new leader. So far other than the one candidate getting Harper’s support, the old fool me once fool me twice of being lost in the bush fits like a shoe. Sorry, whoever intends to lead the party better get his hockey gear together and just attack and storm the Liberal net with guarantees he shoots he scores and the goalie is sent to the farm team permanently to carry sticks. Voting now is like trying to push a string uphill, lots of ruck. La la land is over. Canadians deserve a leader to lead, that’s it, and the Liberals are just amused it is same stuff different day all over again. And yawn!

Paul MacArthur

(The Conservatives really need to get their act together because our country desperately needs new leadership)

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