Paddington Bear pays respects to late Queen Elizabeth

Paddington Bear paid tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth the only way Paddington Bear could.

“Thank you Ma’am, for everything,” read the message, which appeared on Paddington’s Twitter account shortly after Buckingham Palace announced the death of the Queen.

Aside from being British icons, the two appeared together in a skit to mark the Platinum Jubilee earlier this year.

In the sketch, Paddington (voiced by Ben Whishaw) joined Her Majesty for a cup of tea inside Buckingham Palace – which he proceeds to drink straight from the teapot.

But if you thought the Queen would judge the faux pas, think again. Rather, she looked quite impressed at the bear’s drinking style – even though it left her without any tea.

They also shared a love of marmalade sandwiches, which they each plan to snack on after the party.

“She’s absolutely glowing in that moment,” Frank Cottrell-Boyce, the sketch’s co-writer, said of her appearance alongside Paddington while appearing on BBC Breakfast news on Friday.

“And you’ve got to remember that that’s real acting that’s going on there,” he continued. “Paddington isn’t really in the room. She’s acting with an eye-line and with someone pretending to be Paddington. That’s proper acting going on. But I also think it’s true happiness.”

Cottrell-Boyce, who also wrote up the 2012 Olympics sketch in which the Queen appeared to jump out of a helicopter alongside James Bond, said she specifically requested to have a line from director Danny Boyle.


“On the day that we were filming, she said to Danny Boyle, ‘I think I should have a line.’ So she bagged that line, there wasn’t a line in the script – she improv’d,” the writer recalled.

The line? “Good evening, Mr. Bond,” she said, as Daniel Craig, as 007, appeared in her office to escort her to the ceremony.

“Her Majesty is well known for her sense of humour, so it should be no surprise that she decided to take part in tonight’s sketch,” Buckingham Palace said of the Paddington skit, according to the Associated Press.

“There was an interest in the filming and animation process and the opportunity to invite a famous bear to tea was just too much fun to miss.”

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