POILIEVRE: Canadians need a PM who hears them and offers hope

I was adopted by two schoolteachers in Calgary from a teenage mother. It’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me.

My parents taught me that it didn’t matter where I came from, but where I was going. It didn’t matter who I knew, but what I could do.

That’s the hope, and the country, I want my kids to inherit.

But that hope has melted into worry for many.

The cost of government is driving up the cost of living. This tired and out-of-touch Liberal government has doubled the country’s debt, adding more debt than all prior governments combined. Inflationary taxes going up has only made things worse.

Now, they plan to triple the carbon tax on gas, heat and everything else.

There’s no way around it: Justin Trudeau’s government is the most expensive one in Canada’s history.

The result is that families downgrade their diets to cover the 10% year-over-year jump in food prices. Seniors delay retirement and watch their life savings evaporate with inflation. Thirty-year-old adults — who did everything we asked them to do — got degrees and worked hard — are trapped in 400 square foot apartments or their parents’ basements because home prices have doubled under this government.

We have a government that doesn’t provide the basic services it is supposed to, while coming up with complex and damaging programs. Canadians don’t need a government to run their lives. We need a government that can run its own passport offices.

Canadians need a Prime Minister who hears them and offers hope that they can again afford their homes, their bills, their food and a secure retirement.

I will be that Prime Minister.

Government gatekeepers have been holding back Canada. We need to remove those gatekeepers to build more homes, grow more food & produce more resources here in Canada.

Let me give you some examples.

We need to stop local government gatekeepers from blocking new housing with heavy fees and long delays for building permits, leaving us with the fewest houses per-capita in the G7. I’ll require big cities that want federal infrastructure money to speed up and lower the cost of permits and approve affordable homes around all new transit stations.

Right now, we import 130,000 barrels of overseas oil — every single day — even though we have the world’s third biggest supply — all because this government prefers dirty foreign oil to Canadian energy. We’ll repeal Trudeau’s anti-energy laws and replace them with a law that protects the environment, consults First Nations and gets things built.

Today, when a single mother of three making $55,000 goes out and earns another dollar, she loses 80 cents to taxes and claw backs of her benefits stopping her from getting ahead. I will reform programs and cut taxes so that when people earn more, they keep more of their own money. Hard work should pay off.

We’ll repeal taxes and fertilizer mandates to get out of the way of farmers, so we can grow affordable food, feed our own people and be the breadbasket for the world.

We’ll axe the disastrous ArriveCAN app and end the remaining COVID vaccine mandates, letting people work and travel freely.

We’ll bring hope to immigrant doctors, nurses and engineers. We’ll guarantee that within 60 days, an immigrant applying to work in their profession will get a yes or no based on their tested abilities, not based on where they come from.

We’ll restore the hope of safe streets. Our cities are struggling with crime: weakened laws allow chronic and violent re-offenders out early from prison at great danger to our people. Instead of spending a fortune going after licensed and law-abiding firearms owners, Conservatives will bolster the borders against gun smugglers and toughen laws to lock up violent reoffenders.

We will restore Canada’s promise — in a country where it does not matter who you love or if your name is Smith or Singh; Martin or Mohammad, Chang or Charles.

A country where the dreamer, the farmer, the worker, the entrepreneur, the survivor — the ones who get knocked down, but keep getting up and keep going — can achieve their purpose.

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