Poilievre gets new royal title!

Pierre Poilievre started out running for one job but found the title changed along the way. For the first time since February 1952, Canada has a leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition.

The last Conservative leader to hold that title was George Drew the former mayor of Guelph, Premier of Ontario from 1943 through 1948. Drew was also the MP for the Ottawa area riding of Carleton while he was the federal PC leader from 1948 to 1956.

Throughout the Conservative leadership race, Poilievre would tell supporters that he was running to be Prime Minister. In reality he was running to be leader of the Conservative Party but inside Parliament, that is not an official title.

In the Commons, when the Speaker of the House addresses Poilievre, he will be called on as the leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition while Justin Trudeau is called on as the Right Honourable Prime Minister. That’s the title that Poilievre wants to take next.


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