Rogan saves old phone for Bourdain text messages and photos

Tough guy podcaster Joe Rogan has admitted he was quite distraught by the 2018 suicide of his close friend and celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain.

“When he died, I was f—ed up for a while,” said the outspoken Rogan on the Wednesday night episode of his podcast, reported

“He’s just like a guy that I was so excited that he was my friend. You know, like when I first met him, I said, ‘My wife says you’re my boyfriend.” And he was like, ‘Okay.’”

Rogan got emotional saying he’d even resorted to saving an old cellphone containing text messages and photos from Bourdain during their friendship that saw them bond over martial arts and the UFC.

“I’m just like, I’m not getting rid of that number. I’m just gonna keep that number just for that. Just to go over the text messages and see pictures and s— he would send me,” said Rogan, tearing up.

“There’s a lot of photos of him and stuff around the studio that remind me. It sucks when you think you could have helped. That’s what sucks the most, you know, when a friend takes their own life and you’re like, ‘God dammit, I wish I was there. I think if I was there, I could have helped.’”


Rogan said after they bonded over UFC , Bourdain started coming to fights and his standup shows and then they started hanging out and going to dinner together, the latter which he compared to “showing up at a rock show with Mick Jagger.”

“It’s like, you were with Bourdain,” said Rogan. “The chefs would all come out and they would, you know, they would insist on like, just like off the menu. ‘Let us cook for you.’ Yeah, it was incredible,”

Bourdain was a 2011 guest on the Joe Rogan Experience and Rogan appeared on Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations‘ seventh season as they went to Montana to hunt pheasant.

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