There are 137 names on the ballot in Vancouver this election. Here's the order in which they'll appear

Municipal election ballots in the City of Vancouver are notoriously long.

The city's lack of a ward system and the presence of Canada's only elected park board means voters sort through dozens of names when choosing their leaders every four years.

This year, there are 137 candidates vying for the four types of elected office on the ballot: 15 candidates for mayor, 59 for city council, 32 for park board and 31 for school board.

On Friday night, the city drew names randomly to assign the order they will appear on the ballot. Names are ordered randomly "to ensure an equal playing field for candidates," the city says in a statement

"Research has shown many voters are more likely to vote for those listed first on a ballot," the city says. "Candidates at the top of an alphabetical list are perceived to have an advantage over those lower down."

This year, to help voters keep track of the candidates, each one has also been assigned a number, which will appear beside their name on the ballot.

The full list of candidates follows, with each name displayed as it will appear on the ballot, including any party affiliation or non-English characters that will be displayed


  • 50 SHOTTHA, Satwant

  • 51 STEWART, Kennedy (Forward with Kennedy Stewart)

  • 52 POPAT, Imtiaz

  • 53 HARDWICK, Colleen (TEAM)

  • 54 BROWN, Leona

  • 55 RAUNET, Françoise

  • 56 VILLEGAS, Lewis

  • 57 CHAN, Ping

  • 58 HARDING, Fred 傅爱德 (NPA)

  • 59 HANSEN, Mike

  • 60 CHARMLEY, Ryan

  • 61 BUDAY, Gölök Z

  • 62 TETI, Dante

  • 63 SIM, Ken (ABC Vancouver)

  • 64 MARISSEN, Mark (Progress Vancouver)


  • 100 NARDI, Sean (TEAM)

  • 101 OUELLETTE, Breen (COPE)

  • 102 HAYER, Asha (Progress Vancouver)

  • 103 MONTAGUE, Brian (ABC Vancouver) – North Vancouver

  • 104 ANDERSON, Dulcy (Forward with Kennedy Stewart)

  • 105 TRUONG, Tesicca 張慈櫻,Trương Từ Anh (Forward with Kennedy Stewart)

  • 106 DENOFRIO, Dominic

  • 107 TRIGUEROS, Nancy (COPE)

  • 108 ORR, Sean (VOTE Socialist)

  • 109 MACKINNON, Stuart (Vision Vancouver)

  • 110 VARGAS, Lina

  • 111 SINGH, Alvin (Forward with Kennedy Stewart)

  • 112 BONAMIS, Iona 陶思穎 (OneCity)

  • 113 KIRBY-YUNG, Sarah (ABC Vancouver)

  • 114 WIEBE, Michael (GREEN)

  • 115 FOX, Amy "Evil Genius"

  • 116 DE GENOVA, Melissa 鄭慧蘭 (NPA)

  • 117 HE, May (Progress Vancouver)

  • 118 WEBKING, Tanya (COPE)

  • 119 ZHOU, Lenny (ABC Vancouver)

  • 120 PEACOCK, Amie

  • 121 OGER, Morgane (Progress Vancouver)

  • 122 CARR, Adriane (GREEN)

  • 123 FRANSON, Marlo

  • 124 ALM, K R

  • 125 NORRIS, Matthew (OneCity)

  • 126 MEISZNER, Peter (ABC Vancouver)

  • 127 BROWN, Cleta (TEAM)

  • 128 SINGH, Devyani (GREEN)

  • 129 BOLDT, Lesli (Vision Vancouver)

  • 130 REDMOND, Eric (Affordable Housing Coalition)

  • 131 DOMINATO, Lisa (ABC Vancouver)

  • 132 KLASSEN, Mike (ABC Vancouver)

  • 133 BOWEN, Mark

  • 134 BHAYANI, Cinnamon 芯娜萌 雅妮(NPA)

  • 135 ROBERTS, Stephen P (TEAM)

  • 136 SWANSON, Jean (COPE)

  • 137 CROMWELL, Ian (OneCity)

  • 138 CHARKO, Ken 肯·查克 (NPA)

  • 139 BOYLE, Christine (OneCity)

  • 140 PHILBERT, Kyra

  • 141 SMITH, Stephanie (GREEN)

  • 142 FRANCIS, Mauro (Progress Vancouver)

  • 143 QUAN, Grace (TEAM)

  • 144 NIJJAR, Param (TEAM)

  • 145 ALLAN, Elaine 伊艾倫 (NPA)

  • 146 ASHE, Jeanette (Forward with Kennedy Stewart)

  • 147 TIELEMAN, Bill (TEAM)

  • 148 BLIGH, Rebecca (ABC Vancouver)

  • 149 BROWN, Hilary (Forward with Kennedy Stewart)

  • 150 ZARRABIAN, Arezo 蘇勵安 (NPA)

  • 151 FRY, Pete (GREEN)

  • 152 LÝ, Tim

  • 153 MACKENZIE, Jeremy

  • 154 BARZEGARI, Honieh هانیه برزگری (Vision Vancouver)

  • 155 WVONG, Russil (Forward with Kennedy Stewart)

  • 156 CHIN, David (Progress Vancouver)

  • 157 ROSA, Marie Noelle (Progress Vancouver)

  • 158 LEE, Morning 李會民 (NPA)


  • 200 JENSEN, Scott (ABC Vancouver)

  • 201 GIESBRECHT, Gwen (COPE)

  • 202 CHARRETTE, Nick

  • 203 DIGBY, Tom (GREEN)

  • 204 FRENKEL, Carla (Vision Vancouver)

  • 205 UPTON, Jason (NPA) UBC

  • 206 PINOCHET-ESCUDERO, Andrea (VOTE Socialist)

  • 207 LIVINGSTONE, Chris (COPE)

  • 208 BARKER, Tricia (TEAM)

  • 209 STOCKWELL, Caitlin (OneCity)

  • 210 HOWARD, Marie-Claire (ABC Vancouver)

  • 211 RollerGirl

  • 212 IRWIN, John (Vision Vancouver)

  • 213 JACKSON, Serena (OneCity)

  • 214 CHRISTENSEN, Laura (ABC Vancouver)

  • 215 RILEY, Tricia (GREEN)

  • 216 VIRDI, Jas (ABC Vancouver)

  • 217 HASSAN, Maira (COPE) UBC

  • 218 MENARD, Liam Murphy

  • 219 SEPTEMBER, Dehara (NPA)

  • 220 ZARUDINA, Olga (NPA)

  • 221 KIMURA, Kumi (TEAM) Richmond

  • 222 LARSEN, Kathleen (TEAM)

  • 223 MOLLINEAUX, Michelle (TEAM)

  • 224 PASIN, Dave 戴夫·帕辛 (NPA)

  • 225 BUCKSHON, James (TEAM)

  • 226 RIVERS, Tiyaltelut Kristen (OneCity) West Vancouver

  • 227 AUDLEY, Patrick (TEAM)

  • 228 BASTYOVANSZKY, Brennan (ABC Vancouver)

  • 229 HAER, Angela Kate (ABC Vancouver)

  • 230 SMITH, Tracy D

  • 231 CRAIG, Steven


  • 300 RICHARDSON, Christopher JK (ABC Vancouver)

  • 301 FEDORA, Aaron (NPA)

  • 302 CHAN-PEDLEY, Lois (GREEN)

  • 303 THOMSON, Hilary (Vision Vancouver)

  • 304 MAH, Suzie 馬陳小珠 (COPE)

  • 305 TENGCO, Amanda

  • 306 LEUNG, Aaron (Vision Vancouver)

  • 307 ZEIDLER, Karina (VOTE Socialist)

  • 308 HOPKINS, Heming

  • 309 LITZCKE, Karin

  • 310 TRIGUEROS, Rocco (COPE) Burnaby

  • 311 AGGARWAL, Rahul 羅家衛 (NPA)

  • 312 MCARTHUR, Kera (Vision Vancouver)

  • 313 CHIEN, Alfred (ABC Vancouver)

  • 314 FARIDKOT, Preeti (ABC Vancouver)

  • 315 FRASER, Janet (GREEN)

  • 316 JUNG, Victoria (ABC Vancouver)

  • 317 SIGURDSON, Krista (OneCity)

  • 318 EPSTEIN, Kyla (OneCity)

  • 319 VAUGHAN, Ashley (NPA)

  • 320 REDDY, Jennifer (OneCity)

  • 321 GOODINE, Nadine C (NPA)

  • 322 SOMERS, Gavin (OneCity)

  • 323 BROWN, Rory (OneCity)

  • 324 LEVINE, Zelda

  • 325 KLJAJIC, Milan 夏•米男 (NPA)

  • 326 CARDWELL, Steve (Vision Vancouver)

  • 327 POPPELL, Nick (GREEN)

  • 328 ZHANG, Josh (ABC Vancouver)

  • 329 WONG, Allan 黃偉倫 (Vision Vancouver)

  • 330 ALAM, Matiul (TEAM) 

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