WARMINGTON: Don Cherry already supporting fallen officer memorial run when Toronto cop killed

Like everyone in the GTA, Don Cherry was stunned to hear a Toronto Police officer was assassinated inside a Tim Hortons in Mississauga.

“We would never think something like that could happen in our city,” Cherry said Friday, referring to the deadly shooting of Const. Andrew Hong five days earlier. “I would have never fathomed it.”

Ironically, Cherry had just recently hosted a number of police officers at his house who were getting ready to run in memory of fallen officers.

“It was already planned but it’s going to happen the day after the funeral,” he said. “I partake in it every year in some way because we love our police and we need to show our support for them.”

The officers came over to his Mississauga home to take a picture in advance of this year’s Run to Remember.

“They were a great bunch,” he said. “It was an honour to meet them.”

Det.-Sgt. Bob Hackenbrook, of the Peel Regional Police Specialized Enforcement Bureau, Vice and Human Trafficking Unit, is an organizer of this year’s run and said they appreciate Cherry’s support as they work to ensure every officer who is killed in the line of duty is not forgotten.

“The primary objective of the Run to Remember is to raise awareness and focus attention on the annual Police and Peace Officers’ Memorial Service,” Hackenbrook said.The annual service is held on the last Sunday of September in Ottawa with the run occurring over a three-day period immediately preceding it.”

This is the 18th year they have done it. Every year is difficult, but this one coming on the heels of such a horrible shooting rampage makes it even tougher.

The opening ceremonies will commence at the Ontario Police Memorial at Queen’s Park at 8 a.m. on Sept. 22 and participants will arrive on on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Sept. 24at 3 p.m.

“We will be running for all our fallen officers who died in the line of duty,” Hackenbrook said.With us will be six family members of fallen officers who also run our three-day journey to Ottawa.”

Those families are running in support of RCMP Const. Allan Poapst, RCMP Const. Heidi Stevenson, OPP Const. Marc Hovingh, Calgary Police Sgt. Andrew Harnett, RCMP Const. Shelby Patton and Toronto Police Const. Jeffrey Northrup.

“Boy it’s tough when you think about it,” said Cherry. “They risk their lives to keep us safe.”

Cherry said on his next Grapevine Podcast he plans to talk about the run, honouring both Hong and York Regional Police Const. Travis Gillespie, who was also killed this week on his way into shift after being hit head-on by an allegedly impaired driver.

Cherry said he will also honour Milton mechanic Shakeel Ashraf, who was also slain in the horrible murder spree that claimed Hong’s life.

“It’s terrible,” Cherry said. “I still can’t believe it.”

Those who want to donate to the run should know that all of the money goes to assist family members of fallen officers and for monuments and initiatives and trust funds to keep their memories alive.

As Hackenbrook said, this year’s run will end up being an extension of the police funeral that will be held the day prior.

Both are reminders of the dangers of policing.


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