Letters to the Editor, Oct. 3, 2022


Re “A party to represent all” (Letters to the Editor, Sep. 18): I don’t think that the Liberals, nor the Conservatives, would like this. They do like their two-party system. Well, three-party system then, with the pesky NDP wreaking havoc most of the time. One can only hope that with the CPC under the leadership of one Pierre Poilievre, conservatism will have a new meaning. He has already started to clean house of fake Conservatives. Sen. Jean-Guy Dagenais (a Jean Charest votary) is gone. Quebec MP Alain Rayes is gone. And there will be a few to follow, as some of them are Liberal plants in the CPC and will have to be removed. Poilievre knows exactly who’s who in the CPC. The media will label him a hypocrite. But he will not care much about it, and neither will I. Go, Pierre, go, get rid of these skunks. (No insult intended to our skunks in the wild.)

Caspar Pfenninger                                                                                                                                 Calgary

(There will be no change to a party system any time soon. As the new leader, Poilievre can take time to allow Canadians to get to know him before the next election)


Over time my hair has gone, a loss, but a trivial one, unlike the loss of hair and lives in Iran. Hair can be a beautiful part of a person and although some choose to hide it, women as well as men should be able to make that choice without fear. Any society that would punish, and in the current case probably kill, people for their appearance deserves to be condemned and shunned. Although clothes may be less modest than in the last century, good people are still good people, no matter how they appear. Judge people by what they do and say, not what they wear.

Dennis Fitzgerald                                                                                                                                   Melbourne, Australia

(What the people of Iran are doing in protest of this barbaric act by the so-called morality police is so brave. Say her name, Mahsa Amini)


Re “Fiscal prudence? More like luck” (Brian Lilley, Sept. 28): So typical of the myopic NDP to ruin things with their unrealistic ideas just when there’s a glimmer of Ontario getting its fiscal house in order. Spend and waste, and spend even more. But why? Why always more spending? Just because you’ve got a little extra cash in the bank? Because it’s burning a hole in your pocket of loony ideas and dreams?  Shamefully, Ontario remains the most indebted sub-sovereign government thanks to past Liberal and Liberal/NDP spendaholic coalitions. Why do unimaginative socialists always think this way? What drives them to be so damn unrealistic and imprudent? Inflation is real and rampant, and the world is on the cusp of a devastating recession (latest Morgan Stanley prediction). Ontario should thank its lucky stars that Ford and the PCs are in charge of the books and not the NDP or their Liberal pals. Sadly, we’re going to need this critical surplus, as little as it is.

Neil Staff                                                                                                                                                  Whitby

(One of the reasons why Ontarians have not entrusted their political fortunes to the NDP is because of their reckless nature and spending)

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