Marjorie Taylor Greene in tantric sex divorce drama

Controversial congresswoman and conspiracy queen Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has been hit with divorce papers because of a propensity for cheating with a tantric sex guru, according to published reports.

The conservative gadfly confirmed the split to the New York Post — but she didn’t state the reasons.

“Marriage is a wonderful thing and I’m a firm believer in it,” Greene told the newspaper in a statement.

“Our society is formed by a husband and wife creating a family to nurture and protect. Together, Perry and I formed our family and raised three great kids. He gave me the best job title you can ever earn: Mom.”

Taylor Greene is an ardent defender of gun rights. MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE/ INSTAGRAM"90&strip=all&w=576 2x" height="361" loading="lazy" src="" width="457"/>
Taylor Greene is an ardent defender of gun rights. MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE/ INSTAGRAM

Her husband, Perry Greene, pulled the plug Tuesday after 27 years of marriage. They have three grown children.

According to TMZ, the couple had separated in the past. He said she was his “best friend” and an “amazing mom.”

But the Daily Mail reports that a sexual affair with the polyamorous tantric sex guru effectively torpedoed the marriage before she allegedly moved on to a personal trainer. Neither denied the affairs, the Mail added.

Personal trainer Justin Tway said: “I have no interest in talking about anything to do with that woman. Everything with her comes to no good.”

Sources told the newspaper that the Georgia Republican didn’t hide her carnal capers, which stretch back at least a decade.

“It wasn’t a secret. Everyone who moved in her circles knew about both the affairs,” one man who worked with Taylor Greene told the tabloid.

Jim Chambers, the grandson of her billionaire former boss, added: “She socialized a lot with us. I remember one particular pool party where she was lying draped over Craig’s (Ivey, the tantric sex guru) lap drinking a beer. She was quite open about it. We all thought her marriage was falling apart.

“But then I took my son to her son’s birthday party and things seemed totally normal between her and her husband — even if they were a little lukewarm.”

Taylor Greene responded to the report in kind, calling it “ridiculous tabloid garbage spread by an avowed Communist” and “another attempt to smear my name because I’m the biggest threat to the Democrats’ Socialist agenda.”

The 46-year-old firebrand labels herself “a strong conservative Christian.” But she has also raised eyebrows even among traditional Republicans for her enthusiasm for conspiracy theories spewed by QAnon.

Preeminent among them is the belief that former U.S. President Donald Trump was sent by God to defeat the Democrats. The reason? Democrats are at the centre of a national ring that eats, abuses and traffics children.

Taylor Green has also described the Parkland and Sandy Hook school massacres as “false flag” events that target gun owners. She has also wondered aloud whether the horrific terror attacks on 9/11 that killed 3,000 Americans were real.

After she captured the primary last summer, Jim Chambers tweeted: “@mtgreenee so when you worked for me at CrossFit Alpharetta in 2012, the extramarital affairs you had with Justin and Craig, those were Jesus-approved, right?”

Chambers added: “I would never choose to doc someone’s infidelities … unless they’re this person.”


“Guys talk and I know there was definitely sex involved. People don’t make up stuff like that,” a source told the Daily Mail. “They were spending a lot of time together, turning up at the gym in the same car.

“When I would suggest going out, Craig would say he had things to do with Marjorie.”

Still, another insider added Taylor Greene was a different person in those days.

“What I do know is that she was a lot different then to what she is now,” the source said. “I worked out with her a lot and she certainly wasn’t saying the insane things she is now. If she had been, I would have had nothing to do with her.”


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