A Sarnia man charged with first-degree murder in the death of his wife was also charged with drug possession, court records show.
The remains of a woman believed to be Christine Adamson, 47, were found at her Roger Street home Friday morning. She had been reported missing by Sarnia police two days earlier. An autopsy the next day in London confirmed her identity, Sarnia police said Tuesday.
Michael Adamson, 47, was charged Friday with first-degree murder after he was arrested the previous night on separate charges, Sarnia police said. Though police didn’t provide details on those charges, a document from the Sarnia courthouse shows Michael Adamson was charged Thursday with possession of cocaine under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.
Though two nearby Roger Street neighbours told Postmedia the amount of drug trafficking in the area is “ridiculous,” Adamson was charged with possession only and not trafficking.
Michael Adamson used to live in Port Huron, Mich., before moving to Sarnia and marrying Christine in June 2013, according to Facebook.
Police earlier said Christine Adamson was last seen Oct. 1 and a missing person investigation was launched four days later. Suspicion arose as the investigation continued, police have said. It’s unclear when police believe she died as the murder charge is tied to a range between Oct. 1 and 7.
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Christine Adamson, who frequently posted items on Facebook, last added to her profile on Sept. 28. She regularly made posts detailing her battle with depression and borderline personality disorder.
A neighbour who said she was close friends with her before the pair had a falling out recalled she was a strong, happy and peppy woman.
Aside from confirming her identity via the autopsy, a Sarnia police spokesperson said Tuesday there’s no new information they could provide.
Michael Adamson has been held in custody and is set to return to court next week.
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