LILLEY: Ford needs to ignore radical environmentalists who oppose building anything at all

The mud hut brigade is having a moment, protesting everything that we need to build in Ontario right now. Highways, housing and even hospitals must be shut down, according to environmentalists who care more about partisan politics than conserving anything.

It was just last June that voters in this province were asked to make a choice between building the infrastructure we need or listening to the demands of the environmental movement. Andrea Horwath’s New Democrats and Steven Del Duca’s Liberals fully embraced the positions of the faux green movement.

If you hadn’t noticed, neither of them won the election and neither of them is currently leading their party at Queen’s Park. Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservatives not only won, but they also took more seats than they did the previous election, while telling everyone of their plans to build highways, homes and hospitals.

Now, though, we’re treated to stories about how more than 17,000 people have signed a petition put forward by the David Suzuki Foundation calling on the federal government to stop the provincial government from building Highway 413. The David Suzuki Foundation is named after the jet-setting, country-hopping CBC star who famously owned five homes while telling the rest of us to curb our carbon footprint — but that’s par for the course isn’t it?

Earlier this year, the Suzuki Foundation sent a letter to the Ford government calling for an end to Hwy. 413, enlisting the support of multi-home celebrities like Margaret Atwood, who has a downtown Toronto home and a place on Lake Erie, and Chantal Kreviazuk, who likes to fly between her homes in Toronto and Los Angeles.

Michael Tibollo even won the riding of Vaughan-Woodbridge with 19,340 votes, more than the petition getting all the media attention and more than Liberal leader Del Duca, who campaigned strongly on stopping the highway. PC candidates Hardeep Grewal and Graham McGregor both won in Brampton, taking seats from the NDP by campaigning strongly for the highway.

But enough of listening to voters, let’s listen to Suzuki, Atwood and Kreviazuk.

These fake environmentalists campaigning against 413 don’t just oppose the building of a highway, they also oppose plans to build more homes or even a hospital. One of the pieces of land the Ford government wants to remove from the Greenbelt would be used to build a new hospital campus.

The proposed expansion of Southlake Regional Health Centre is unanimously supported by the local council but its location on the Greenbelt is opposed by so-called environmentalists. If you want proof that these activists are more about partisan politics than preserving the environment, look to their track record.


While they are busy launching campaigns against the Ford government removing 7,400 acres while adding in 9,400 acres, they were silent when the Wynne Liberals carved into the Greenbelt 17 times. Do you recall the outrage over taking land adjacent to Bronte Creek out of the Greenbelt for a big box store in Burlington or to allow half a dozen mega-mansions in Vaughan?

They were silent then but vocal now because it’s about politics, not the environment.

Ontario has a growing population, but our infrastructure and our home building has not kept pace with that growth. The Trudeau government has said it wants to add 1.5 million people to Canada’s population through immigration by 2025 and we know the Greater Toronto Area will attract the biggest portion of those immigrants.

We can’t have that kind of population growth without building the infrastructure necessary to support it.

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