Can it be recycled? A look at the Christmas items that can and can't go in the blue bin

This weekend Winnipeggers young and old will finally get to open the presents that have been sitting under the tree as Christmas finally arrives.

But what are people to do with all the garbage that is left behind? The superintendent of waste diversion for the City of Winnipeg said people should check what they can and can't recycle before sorting the Christmas leftovers into bins.

"I have to admit that recycling is confusing on a good day and then it does get compounded in the busy season and Christmas being probably the number one in that category," said Mark Kinsley.

The big thing Kinsley wants people to be aware of is that wrapping paper is not recyclable.

"Every time somebody hears that, (they say), 'what do you mean wrapping paper is not acceptable in the recycling program?' I don't blame them," said Kinsley.

He said the reason wrapping paper isn't accepted is because of the amount of dye that has been put into the paper.

"There's so much dye in the wrapping paper, it causes all the other paper within that mix to not be able to be processed properly into new paper. They just can't get the colour out."

He said on top of that, there are is also plastic wrapping paper which is recyclable and products that include foil.

"So we're asking that all wrapping paper has to go in the garbage, unfortunately."

There will also be some gifts that have plenty of packaging as well. Anything cardboard is good to go in the blue bin, but if there Styrofoam, Kinsley said that isn't recyclable and must be put in the black bin.

It's not just the packaging from gifts that Kinsley is reminding people about, he is also pointing out food containers.

"There's a lot more food and drinks during the holiday season. We're asking that those are, what I call, completely empty because even that can be quite subjective. You know, you got a liquid that is easy enough right? But then you get into some of the, I always use peanut butter as an example. We're asking that people scrape that out as much as possible."

He added single use food items also can't be recycled and they should either be composted or thrown in the garbage.

For a full guide on what can and can't go in the blue bin, Kinsley recommends using the Recyclepedia app, which can be downloaded onto your phone or found online.

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