Fredericton man rises to TikTok stardom with soup recipe

Larry Canam never expected to be TikTokfamous when he started making videos.

His son, who was a TikTok user, suggested he start making videos of his colourful and elaborate cocktails. The rest was history.

“He said you know … he’d been doing TikTok, not creating but watching it, and having fun with it and we should just actually film a video and that was it,” Canam said in an interview on Thursday from his home in Fredericton.

Canam’s video about how to make French onion soup has gone viral with more than 21 million views.

Canam’s video about how to make French onion soup has gone viral with more than 21 million views.

Nathalie Sturgeon / Global News

His process is simple: he chooses a cocktail for each day of the week, like Milkshake Monday and Float Day Friday. He then films the video, being sure to show the audience what they can expect first to grab their attention.

“The attention span on TikTok is… like people are scrolling through really fast, you really have to catch them in the first five seconds if you want them to go to watch the rest of your video,” he said.

He also gets requests from his followers, which he sometimes makes.

One of those suggestions was Soup Sundays. Out of that came Canam’s most viewed video, ‘how to make French onion soup.’ It has 21 million views.

In the video, he says “my wife has been craving French onion soup,” before diving into the process.

“She’s going to love this and I’m showing the French onion soup with the cheese dripping down the side and the steam coming off and my mouth is watering thinking about it,” he said.

Filming TikTok videos is fun for Canam and says he often gets recognized around town.

Canam also makes cocktails.

Canam also makes cocktails.

Nathalie Sturgeon / Global News

“This guy comes up and he says.. I really hate to bother you but my grandkids have been talking about you non-stop but would you mind taking a picture with them… so yea, up from the table… and have a picture and they’re really happy so yea that happens quite often,” he said.

In general, though, Canam makes many of his videos for the joy it brings others.

He’s made cocktails like the candy cane grasshopper, the gingerbread milkshake, and the cranberry mule.

He has 2.3 million followers on TikTok to date, and begins every video with a simple “cheers.”

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