Letters to the Editor, Dec. 10, 2022


I have seen a number of nasty comments about free oral care. These people have obviously not suffered the ongoing pain of a cavity they cannot afford to have fixed, or other mouth problems. It is not about having a nice smile. People have died or become seriously ill because tooth infections have spread to their blood or brains. Also, good mouth health has been linked to better body health and some diseases can be detected by changes in the mouth. Oral health is an important part of the whole.

Tamara Martin
Burk’s Falls, Ont.

(There is no question it is important for good oral health, but the government administering this program is going to increase the costs. Our taxes are going to have to go up and the very people. This program is intended to help, will be the ones paying more)


Re “Making parents pay” (Joe Warmington, Dec. 7): I am a grandparent who walked my young grandchildren to Willow Glen (the school no longer exists), there was a no-parking zone which many parents ignored. It made it very dangerous for the kids. It was at a crosswalk that was at an intersection. When the cars parked illegally and only for a few minutes, I saw kids almost get hit by a car. The kids would have to dart between parked cars and kids sometimes do not look both ways. It was even worse after a snowfall as some parents would park right in front of the entrance and the kids would have to climb over the snow between the cars. I would rather have some lazy parents get a ticket than put the safety of our children at risk, after all, the no parking or stopping is for the safety of our children. The parents could just leave five minutes earlier and park where it is legal and walk the short distance rather than put kids’ lives at risk. As for the timing of the tickets, it only makes sense to ticket when the kids are going to school and not when they are already in class. Again, your situation may be different than most schools but the bylaw is there to protect the kids.

Art Crowder

(You’re correct, it is there for a reason. They would also help if people just use some common sense)


Is it necessary for well-known and famous people who get sick or die to be given excess press and attention when it appears us regular folk do not matter? Very crass!

Bill Sholdice

(They are famous for a reason)


After reading the Letters to the Editor in the Sun, it seems that there is some controversy now regarding the Christmas ‘season’ and Santa Claus. Well, what exactly does all that we see and hear at this time of year have to do with the birth of Jesus Christ? It isn’t even the correct date for that matter, but that’s another story and I wasn’t there at the time. What we are all forced to endure for several weeks is simply a marketing gimmick and hype to get people to buy more ‘stuff’ than usual, most of which they don’t otherwise need.

Roger Lewis

(You sound like the Grinch)

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