Letters to the Editor, Dec. 18, 2022


Re “Stephen ‘tWitch’ Boss, DJ and producer on ‘Ellen’, dead at 40” (Bang Showbiz, Dec. 14): Various mainstream news and social media will state the obvious, that society must open up its collective minds and common dialogue when it comes to far more progressively addressing the challenge of more fruitfully treating and preventing such illness in general. But they will typically fail to emphasize that general society still fails to adequately address the problem of men with life-threatening mental illness refusing to open up and ask for help due to their fear of being perceived as weak and non-masculine. The social ramifications exist all around us, and it is endured, however silently, by males of/with whom we are aware/familiar or to whom so many of us are closely related. To this day there remains a mentality, albeit perhaps a subconscious one: Men can take care of themselves. Even Jackson Nakazawa’s book Childhood Disrupted was only able to include one man among its six interviewed adult subjects, there presumably being such a small pool of ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences)-traumatized men willing to formally tell his own story of childhood abuse. One must ask: Is it yet more (in a societal pile of) evidence of a continuing subtle societal take-it-like-a-man mindset, one in which so many men will choose to abstain from ‘complaining’ about their torturous youth, as that is what ‘real men’ do?

Frank Sterle Jr.
White Rock, B.C.

(It is true, most men still do not come forward to discuss their mental health challenges. It has improved over the years, but there still is a stigma for men)


Our ‘never saw a taxpayer dollar our prime minister didn’t want to spend or hand out’ refuses to increase health transfers to the provinces until they can show how increased transfers will improve health care. Well, I say to you, Mr. Prime Minister, how about showing Canadians, with actual facts and figures, and not your usual virtue-signalling and liberal bafflegab, how your ever-increasing carbon taxes reduce greenhouse gas emissions in your crazed obsession of climate change. How about for once helping Canadians by keeping some of the millions of dollars you hand out to other countries for anything and everything in Canada to improve the health-care system.

Al Pastrak

(Trudeau doesn’t deal in facts and figures. He trades in emotion and rhetoric)


Re Legislative Assembly of Ontario reconvenes on February 21, 2023: ‘Twas the week before Christmas as I waited in ER, there arose such a clatter and it wasn’t my bladder. I limped from my chair and what did I see, but a first aid wagon arriving at last with a big chubby driver, so folksy and smug, I knew in a moment it must be St. Doug. More slowly than turtles his key Cabinet they came, And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name: Now, Jones! Now Moore! Now Clark and Cho! On Bethlenfalvy and Downey! On Fullerton and Surma! To legislative recess! We won’t take the fall! Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!

L. D. Cross

(Very clever)

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