Letters to the Editor, Dec. 19, 2022


Sci-fi movies often portrayed the future with an optimistic lens view but the focus has revealed a more dystopian view. Like many of the older residents, I remember ‘Toronto the Good,’ before daily shootings, face slashings, hit-and-runs, and, of course, the ever-present road construction. Now the city sends out a new ‘Vacant Home Tax Property Status Declaration’ notification to all property owners, some who are old and not computer literate. At first sight it looks like some sort of scam but it is legitimated in media (“Trust seems vacant, too,” Antonella Artuso, Dec. 14) so it must be a real requirement. I pay my property taxes, though sometimes I wonder for what? My street and sidewalk are not cleared of snow. So, because there is a ‘housing crisis,’ we home owners have to declare that our homes are not vacant? There are so many solutions to some of these crises in our city, province and country but no brains in government. Many of the solutions can be found by properly conducting a simple but concise ’cause and effect’ analysis.

Allan Leggate

(Those in charge have taken a passive attitude when it comes to tackling real issues we face. They would rather focus on changing street names and creating bureaucratic nonsense for residents)


For all you citizens who are crying for more gun control measures, they aren’t working. Trudeau’s gun control only targets legal licensed gun owners. They do nothing to stop gun violence on our streets. All he is looking for is votes. Most firearms used on the streets are smuggled across the border, not bought in a gun shop. He is using the gun violence statistics to disarm legal gun owners. He even lowered the penalty for illegal firearm possession. Whose side is he on?

Charles Phillips
Lively, Ont.

(He’s only on his side)


Governments on all levels must get tough on crime. Our laws are too weak. Bail should be tight and set much higher. There should be no credit for time served and killers proven guilty should go to jail and die there. When a police officer is in a situation where a person pulls a knife or points a gun or any other weapon, the officer should have the right to shoot first, no questions asked. I’ve lived a long life, and I have never seen violence like there is now on our streets and in our schools. Very disturbing.

Joe Hiscock

(It seems we have shifted to thinking criminals’ rights are more important than the majority of law abiding citizens)


Re Editorial cartoon, Dec. 16: Ok I get it, Varvel is not a fan of Sleepy Joe, but there must be more important things he can vent on or has he totally forgotten the one that preceded Biden. Maybe Varvel is buying the orange one’s cards?

Bob Eberle

(Those cards are worth some money now)

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