Letters to the Editor, Dec. 21, 2022

President Joe Biden recently claimed the U.S.A. economy is vibrant. And the wokeites believe him. If Trump was still in office, Biden and the Democrats along with CNN wouldn’t stop complaining about how terrible everything is economically in the U.S. and globally.

Charles Owen

(Biden good, Trump evil — didn’t you get the memo?)

Brian Lilley raises some excellent points about safety concerns impacting TTC riders and employees (“Nice words, denial won’t make TTC safe again,” Dec. 18): Lilley describes the lack of support for special constables trying to make arrests and the high turnover rate of constables and management as factors contributing to the TTC’s decline. Yet both of these factors are responsible for a system in crisis, unable to adequately protect its employees and the public from a garden variety of crimes plaguing the agency. A safety report issued June 23 revealed that in a five-year period, evidence supports a ‘significant’ upward trend in crimes against customers, employees and unauthorized trespassing at track level. In spite of this disturbing trend, Mayor John Tory claims that the system is safe when millions of people use the TTC every day. Many riders are reluctant to use the system. Be honest, Mr. Mayor. Consider the ominous elements of fear and uncertainty and factor them into the equation. Call it like it is: People are feeling increasingly unsafe using the TTC following a rash of rampant crimes.

Robert Ariano

(The first step to the recovery is admitting you have a problem. Denying the ongoing issues on the TTC does this city and the commuters a disservice)

Kris Sims wrote a very compelling column in the Sun about the issues Albertans have with Ottawa (“Five big reasons Albertans have an issue with Ottawa,” Dec. 20). I’m 61 years old and have lived in rural southern Ontario all my life. What Sims and the rest of Albertans need to know is that the vast majority of us from rural Ontario feel the exact way they do. We are as frustrated with the illogical carbon tax, blocked pipe lines, tanker bans and gun grab as you. We feel totally ripped off on election night when large swaths of southern Ontario are blue but a tiny swath of red in the GTA trumps us all. Many people in Eastern Canada understand your plight and are more like you than you may think.

Paul Reidt
St. Agatha, Ont.

(There’s a lot of truth to what you’re saying)

Well, once again this Christmas, I am being discriminated against and excluded by no doubt well-meaning individuals. All I hear is that this is the time of year to spend time with family and loved ones. Well, what if you have only friends and liked ones? Where does that leave us?

Rick Duerksen

(Spend time with anyone who brings you some joy)

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