Letters to the Editor, Dec. 6, 2022


When Biden uses Congressional action to shut down a rail strike, he’s hailed as a hero. When Ford uses his legislature to shut down a CUPE strike, he’s lambasted as an anti-democratic bully. Why?

James Pruszynski                                                                                                                                       Clarence, N.Y.

(Fair question)


On Dec. 2 on Twitter, Elon Musk released information about Twitter’s collusion with the Democratic Party in the United States to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 presidential election. I expected that this would be front-page news even in Canada. It was not. The story was not prominent in The Toronto Sun (Page 17). Why not?

Steve Schillaci                                                                                                                                     Pickering

(At least we ran the story, unlike others. But we will have more to say on these revelations)


My applause is given to Pierre Poilievre, whose calm and carefully worded questions to Justin Trudeau about Chinese interference in our elections each required a simple “yes” or “no” answer. Despite Pierre’s clever, calm and carefully worded questioning approach, egotistical and jet-setting Justin still avoided giving a straight answer after the same question was basically repeated seven times.  Seven times! The logical conclusion which one can reach is that Trudeau is hiding something about Chinese interference or he is seriously twisting the truth with his non-answers to the questions. Personally, I find our PM’s behaviour in this matter disgusting and sickening! Hopefully, Canadians will remember Trudeau’s disgraceful performance with regard to this matter on the day of the next federal election!

Robert Norris                                                                                                                                          Mississauga

(Why don’t the Liberals take this seriously? You have to wonder)


When is NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh going to wake up and take his nose out of Justin Trudeau’s business? He’s propped him up with that nose for long enough. If we get universal dental care and pharmacare, the Liberals will take full credit for it anyway. But, hey, poor Canadians who are freezing, have to go to food banks and can’t afford gas will at least have nice teeth.

Gayle Symmons                                                                                                                                         Pickering

(Singh has no intention of pulling his support anytime soon; he now got this dental plan through, even though he received no credit for it)


If Trudeau, Singh, Rachel Notley, Jyoti Gondek, and most of the eastern media all think Danielle Smith is bat rat crazy, then she is obviously doing exactly what Albertan Conservatives want her to get done.

Tobin McCartney                                                                                                                                             Calgary

(Time will tell)


I want to extend deepest condolences to Borje Salming’s family and his NHL family. He was probably the greatest defenceman of all time! He set many records during his 16 years with Toronto, and left a long-lasting impression on his fans. All you needed to see was his ovation at the Hockey Hall of Fame game. Who knew how poignant that moment would be two weeks later. Most fans wish he had a chance to hoist the Stanley Cup. Hopefully the team can win one for him.

Rob Bruce

(He was very special to Toronto)

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