Montreal trial begins for man accused in kidnapping of New York couple

A trial involving how an elderly couple from the state of New York were kidnapped from their home, smuggled across the Canadian border and held against their will at a house in the Eastern Townships began Tuesday at the Montreal courthouse.

Gary Arnold, 54, of Godmanchester faces seven charges related to the kidnapping of Sandra and James Helm. On Sept. 27, 2020, the couple were grabbed from their home in Moira, N.Y., and taken to a home in Magog where they were held against their will before being rescued by the Sûreté du Québec two days later.

Arnold is charged with kidnapping, forcible confinement, extortion and  conspiring with other men to carry out the kidnapping. He has pleaded not guilty to all of the charges.

In her opening statement to the jury, prosecutor Kim Chaiken said two strangers entered the couple’s home on a Sunday night and ordered them out. She said the Helms were smuggled in a boat across the Akwasasne border and taken to Valleyfield where two men — Franco D’Onofrio, 57, and Kosmas Dritsas, 51 — were waiting in a car.

Chaiken said the couple were then driven along a back road to a location where D’Onofrio and Dritsas waited for Gary Arnold. The prosecutor said Arnold took a while to show up because he was assigned to go to a hospital to get a catheter for Sandra Helm. Chaiken told the jury the catheter will be an important detail in Arnold’s trial.

The couple were eventually taken to a house in Magog where Kosmas Dritsas’s father, George, 77, was waiting. Meanwhile, back in New York, Chaiken said, the couple’s son, Michael, realized his parents were missing. When he went to their house it was “evident that something bad had happened,” the prosecutor said.

Soon after, two of the kidnappers began making a series of calls to Michael Helm.

“(They were) worrying calls,” Chaiken said, adding that the men demanded to have either drugs or money from the Helms’s grandson, who had been part of a failed drug transaction. “You will see through the evidence that these callers wanted to exchange Mr. and Mrs. Helm either for the money, the drugs or their grandson or his mother.

“This is when a major investigation began. A collaboration between the FBI, DEA, RCMP, Sûreté du Québec and New York State police was launched.”

An SQ SWAT team rescued the couple two days after their ordeal began. D’Onofrio was arrested at the home in Magog along with Kosmas Dritsas and his father. Another accomplice, Taylor Lawrence Martin, 38, was arrested earlier that same day.

“Three days later, on Oct. 1, 2020, Gary Arnold was arrested when investigators discovered his involvement in the event. The evidence will show that, days prior to the kidnapping and throughout the confinement, Gary Arnold was in constant communication with his accomplices.”

One of the first witnesses called to testify in the trial was Patrick Deserres, one of the eight members of the SWAT team that rescued the couple. He said the team was first assigned to surround a house in the Georgeville section of Magog and try to establish that the Helms were indeed there. He said he was shown a photo of the couple with James Helm standing and Sandra Helm seated in a chair outdoors. Next to Sandra Helm was an empty Adirondack-style plastic chair.

Deserres said he and the other seven members of the SWAT team hid in the woods surrounding the house for a while before they began their approach. He said he approached from the back and the first thing that caught his eye was the distinct blue colour of the Adirondack-style chair. He said the chair convinced him they had found the right house.

At one point, Deserres said, a man exited the house, headed to a car parked outside and began opening and closing its doors. The man was not James Helm and the SWAT team decided to hold back longer to continue to try to confirm the couple were inside. The man returned inside the house and, a short while later, five people emerged from it.

Deserres said he realized Sandra and James Helm were among the five people and he let the other members of his team know.

“When I saw the fifth person turn to close the door, I confirmed to the whole team that there were five people in front of us, including the two victims,” Deserres said, adding the five walked at a very slow pace toward a car. “(Then) I gave the signal ‘go, go, go’.”

Deserres said he shouted “police!” and told the five people to get on the ground while he approached them with his firearm drawn. D’Onofrio and the two other men were handcuffed while Deserres tried to calm the elderly couple.

“At that moment I put my hands on each of their shoulders to tell them that we were the police. The goal was to comfort them,” he said, adding he and the other members of the SWAT team did not resemble regular police officers. “We have a combat uniform, a big bullet-proof vest with pockets and a lot equipment attached to it. We also have long firearms and balaclavas and bullet-proof helmets.

“We looked more like army members.”

Chaiken told the jury they will hear from 14 witnesses in all, including Sandra Helm and a recording of a statement her husband gave to police.

Superior Court Justice Michel Pennou told the jury the trial is expected to last eight weeks.

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