Trudeau promises 'justice' for those who lost loved ones in Flight PS752

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has promised long-delayed justice for the families whose loved ones were killed in the downing of Ukraine International Airlines Flight PS752 by Iran’s military three years ago.

Trudeau made the pledge during an emotional three-hour private ceremony at North York’s Meridian Arts Centre on Sunday afternoon  — one of 85 being held around the world, including 12 cities in Canada — to mark the third anniversary of the day the Iran shot down Flight PS752.

Among the 176 people killed were 55 Canadian citizens and 30 permanent residents.

“This tragedy happened because of the Iranian regime’s heinous disregard for human life,” said Trudeau, one of several politicians who called for justice at the ceremony.

“Your grief has been compounded by their refusal to be held accountable. Nothing will ever bring your loved ones back. But when you lose someone so senselessly, finding justice is a part of mourning. We need closure in order to heal, and Iran’s refusal to be held accountable is denying you that.”

The UIA jetliner was bound for Toronto, with a stop in Ukraine, when at least two surface-to-air missiles — fired by the Revolutionary Guard Corps. — hit the aircraft shortly after it took off from Tehran.

On Dec. 28, Canada — along with Sweden, Ukraine, and the U.K. — started work to bring the Flight PS752 case to the International Court of Justice in an attempt to force Iran to compensate the families of the victims.

Iran’s government denied shooting down the jet for three days, before saying the aircraft was “mistakenly” shot down.

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If all involved countries, including Iran, are unable to agree to terms of arbitration within six months, the case can be referred to the International Court of Justice.

The legal action was welcomed by Hamed Esmaeilion, president of the Association of Families of Flight PS752 Victims, who also spoke at the event, where tearful women read out the names of those who perished and musicians performed on a candle-lit stage.

“We know all too well how difficult and complex this legal process is, but we remain confident that on June 28, 2023, this fight will be open in the head court and the rotten Islamic Republic Regime will face justice,” said Esmaeilion, who lost his wife and nine-year-old daughter died when the jet was shot down.

The private ceremony was followed by a candle-lit vigil at Mel Lastman Square. Among the speakers at the ceremony were Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly, Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievere and Toronto Mayor John Tory.

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