Letters to the Editor, March 13, 2023


Re “Deputy PM wants price break” (The Canadian Press, March 9): Chrystia Freeland says CEOs need to explain why grocery prices have risen dramatically. No, they do not. Unless the government alleges collusion (as in the bread scandal), private companies have no obligation to disclose costs or profits. This demand is hypocritical from an administration that limits inter-provincial trade, endorses dairy and poultry cartels, imposes undemocratic automatic taxes on liquor, stifles energy development so fuel prices spike, over-regulates business so investment is negligible and our GDP is predicted lowest in the OECD, taxes citizens at inordinate rates, increases the civil service and politicians pay while engaging in profligate spending scandals.

Larry Sylvester                                                                                                                                             Acton, Ont.

(Canadians are simply tuning out the Liberals. Freeland and her party haven’t represented the best interests of Canadians for years and they aren’t about to start now)


Canada and Canadians can’t wait for 2025 to be rid of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. It is appalling the behaviour of this man and his Liberal/communist Party. There is no shortage of wrongdoing Trudeau has committed, like the Aga Khan holiday. Judicial interference in the SNC scandal, attempt to launder tax dollars in WE scandal, hate speech directed at truckers, lying under oath at EA Inquiry about not calling truckers’ names, implementing WEF policy, Chinese interference, on and on.

Glenn Cunningham                                                                                                                                      Calgary, Alta.

(There is a reason Trudeau has been referred to as the Teflon PM. But there is something different about the election tampering scandal Trudeau is at the centre of)


The Trudeau years have brought on contortions in the use of the English language. Examples include irregular border crossers — people who openly break immigration laws and are given free hotels and meals in Niagara Falls; inappropriate groping — a situation which different people experience differently; and rapporteur — someone who reports the party line. And in summation of the above: rapscallion — a ne’er-do-well, a brat!

Peter Birks                                                                                                                                                Mississauga

(That sums it up)


How does one live with themselves after committing a hit-and-run? It is hard to comprehend there are motorists who are well aware they have struck a pedestrian, cyclist or fellow motorist and have the nerve to simply drive off, often times leaving their fellow man or woman injured or worse. Do these individuals stop for a coffee or a quick bite to eat on their way home and later settle down for a good night’s sleep, like all is well with the world? Hit-and-run collisions seem to be in the news at an alarming rate nowadays. Whatever happened to having a conscience?

Don Ruttan                                                                                                                                                      Cobourg

(It would require someone to almost bury a piece of their conscience in order to live with themselves if they did this)

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