City of Humboldt joins Sask. reconciliation pilot project

'Hopefully Humboldt will be a shining example of what’s possible in Saskatchewan communities'

A pilot project that aims to develop the tools for communities to reconcile their Indigenous and non-Indigenous citizens is taking place in Humboldt.

“Hopefully Humboldt will be a shining example of what’s possible in Saskatchewan communities,” said Kristin Catherwood, one of the project co-ordinators.

Called “Relationship Building and Reconciliation through Living Heritage,” the pilot is being done by the City of Humboldt and Heritage Saskatchewan, along with their partners, the Office of the Treaty Commissioner and the Aboriginal Friendship Centres of Saskatchewan.

Other co-ordinators are Fitzpatrick, as well as Christine Fiddler and David Siebert of Heritage Saskatchewan. They are guided by a five-member advisory committee made up of all Indigenous members. The Office of the Treaty Commission and the Aboriginal Friendship Centres of Saskatchewan are also involved.

The yearlong pilot program began in January 2023 through funding from the Community Initiatives Fund.

The program will be grounded in the local context through the museum redesign of exhibit storylines.

“We are looking forward to working alongside a number of community partners at a provincial and local level as we build an understanding and a foundation for positive relationships in Humboldt and beyond,” noted Ingrid Cazakoff, Heritage Saskatchewan CEO.

Mayor Michael Behiel stated, “This project will help residents better understand our shared history and identify community goals to improve our relationships with our Indigenous residents and neighbours.”

Inspired by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada’s Calls to Action and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) this four-part cyclical process is the result of conversations and feedback from communities who need help implementing calls from the TRC and UNDRIP in meaningful ways.

“We are looking forward to working alongside a number of community partners at a provincial and local level as we build an understanding and a foundation for positive relationships in Humboldt and beyond,” Cazakoff noted.

Nicole Goldsworthy is a Local Journalism Initiative reporter with the Humboldt Journal. The LJI program receives federal funding.

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