Letters to the Editor, April 2, 2023


Another police officer was killed in the line of duty in Quebec just one day after the funeral of two Edmonton officers. How many more have to die before politicians do something to protect these valuable members of society? Not one politician has done anything except study the problem forever. Who is going to stand up, declare we have to do something, and just do it. No one in the Liberal government, especially Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, seems to care.

Gordon Irvine
Oakville, Ont.

(Political rhetoric against our law enforcement have made them a target. They put themselves at risk every day for the rest of us, yet are dismissed as the bad guy. This thinking needs to change)


Freeland, new shoes and all, might just as well compete the ensemble with floppy shoes from Krusty the Clown’s wardrobe, oversized baggy pants, squirting lapel flower, a waist horn and a Volkswagen Beetle that she can squeeze into with Trudeau and the rest of their gang under the Big Top. Bags of our taxdollars to be flushed as she/he/ they desperately try to change the 24 hour, all-China channel and convince us we’re headed for climate armageddon unless we bankrupt Canada with woke green agendas.

Bill Vernon

(Fear is the tactic the have been using against us for years all the while using our money to fund their ideologically driven agenda)


Another innocent teenager killed in a TTC subway station by a criminal already out on different releases from the court on all sorts of different charges. Is it not clear even to the stupidest moron that these people have no respect for, or are not going to comply with, any bails or conditions they are ordered to abide by? Isn’t it time we named these so-called Justices who are responsible for letting criminals, already out on different bails, out again to maim and kill people? Also, we should allow bereaved families the option to sue these justices. That would surely make these hug-a-thuggers think twice before releasing these habitual offenders and putting law-abiding citizens at risk.

Wilf Townley

(So many failures at all levels have an no one will be held accountable. It’s time we demand better)

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