Letters to the Editor, July 18, 2022

Thanks to Kris Sims and Franco Terrazzano for pointing out that high gas prices are exactly what Trudeau wants (July 13). Too many people in this country think these high prices are a result of Liberal ineptitude, but every move Trudeau makes is well-thought-out and deliberate. As an apostle of Klaus Schwab (World Economic Forum) and his ‘Great Reset’ agenda, Trudeau is hell-bent on destroying the Canada we know and turning it into a post-nationalist land mass, to be run by the UN and its various agencies. His gratuitous suspension of our rights and freedoms (and subsequent refusal to meet with upset protesters), the confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens, porous borders (Roxham Rd.) allowing illegal migrants into our country (with all the tax-paid benefits), and censuring internet content (without due process) are just some of the deliberate moves he has made to undermine our way of life. Why would he do this, you ask? Because he, like his father, always hated what this country stood for, especially our democratic system of government, which was patterned from the British model of democracy and common law. He has even publicly praised Communist China’s basic dictatorship as an efficient way to get things done (sound familiar?). So, the next time Trudeau makes seemingly naive pronouncements like ‘budgets will balance themselves,’ be very sure that it’s all part of his master plan. He is counting on us being easily distracted in order to complete his mission, and so far, it’s working like clockwork.

Rick Mailloux
(Talk about being full of bad gas)

Apparently, Toronto Councillor Shelley Carroll is concerned about the survival of birds and rodents in the city and has presented a motion to minimize the threat: Impose a leash law on cats! You read that correctly. Cat owners might be forced to place a leash on these furry creatures if the motion passes. Of the many challenges plaguing Toronto, this issue has gained the attention of some councillors. Former Sun columnist Mike Strobel’s amusing but insightful column “Keep paws off Fluffy!” (July 9) urges officials to get their priorities straight. Instead of picking on cats, this city can be a safer place to live if it took some decisive steps to stop the escalating rise in gun crimes. It has become a sad state of affairs.

Robert Ariano
(Another idea that belongs in the litter box)

Surprise, surprise. John Tory again begging for money. I have a brilliant idea for the mayor and his woke Toronto council members: Just abandon your ridiculous plan to rename Dundas Street, it will save you multimillions.

David Whiting
(Virtue signalling is his calling card)

Just a reminder to all travellers. You don’t have to all use Pearson airport. There are plenty of alternatives in the area (Billy Bishop island airport/Hamilton/Kitchener/London). Also, if you are lucky enough to have a passport, there is always the airports in Buffalo and Detroit.

Mitch Klinger
(Anywhere but Pearson)

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