Movember is the month of the moustache for Tiny volunteer firefighters

Moustache combs have been busy throughout the Township of Tiny in anticipation of the month of November.

Tiny volunteer firefighters are proudly participating in Movember's annual fundraising campaign. This year the volunteer firefighters are looking to take home the top fundraising title for the second year in a row.

"Every year, first responders across the country show up in support of Movember," said Samantha Barnett, a Tiny volunteer firefighter and Movember team captain.

"Movember is all about making waves and raising funds for men's health. Similar to the mo's being grown, this year, our Movember events come in all shapes and sizes, and with your support, we can do so much more to shine a light on men's health."

The annual moustache campaign encourages the Movember community across the township to rally in support of Movember's cause areas: men's mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer.

Movember's Men's Health Statistics:

  • On average, men die four years earlier than women;

  • Testicular cancer is the most diagnosed cancer in young men aged 15 to 35;

  • In Canada, prostate cancer is the most diagnosed cancer in men;

  • Globally, we lose one man to suicide every minute – that's 60 men every hour;

  • In 2021, almost 1.2 million Canadian men reported having been diagnosed with a mood disorder. In men aged 18-to-34, one in ten reported a mood disorder.

"November is all about creating 'motivation' to raise funds for lifesaving research and programs aimed at helping our fathers, partners, brothers, friends, and sons while also providing an opportunity to build community awareness around men's health," said Dave Flewelling, Director of Fire and Emergency Services/Chief, "

In 2021 the Volunteer Firefighters raised a record total of $65,660 in support of men's mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. As a result of the community support, the volunteer firefighters' Movember fundraising team took home the top-ranking title for Canadian Fire Department and Global Fire Department for the first time.

The public is invited to help Tiny reach its goal by donating directly to the volunteer firefighters' Movember campaign at

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