Hitler and his coterie of Nazi crazies would surely approve.
According to the FBI, investigators have arrested a former U.S. Marine in New York who was allegedly plotting a neo-Nazi “Rapekrieg” targeting white women to boost America’s Caucasian population.
Matthew Belanger was arrested July 10 and pleaded not guilty to a slew of firearms charges. But it was his Boys From Brazil-like plot to repopulate the U.S. in his image that is truly shocking.
Rapekrieg is a neo-Nazi group that is affiliated with other Himmler-loving extremists in groups called “Rapewaffen” and “Atomwaffen.”
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In the twisted group’s stomach-churning manifesto, they espouse “rape ideology” as an “effective tool” for vanquishing enemies, mainly Jews and minorities.
Their goal is a “first world collapse” where those fellow travelers who have doubts “about being able to pull the trigger on a Jewish child” are too weak for Rapekreig. White women will be brainwashed and become dependent on men.
“To be successful in this battle, the white man must learn to hate, seeing red the moment he lays eyes on a member of the race that has inflicted unspeakable horrors onto his people,” the manifesto reads, according to Rolling Stone.
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The group allegedly discussed attacks on synagogues and women. When a young woman was targeted for rape, Belanger allegedly quipped “good find.”
The girl in question was a high school student filmed at a music recital.
The feds say Belanger came to their attention as part of a probe into neo-Nazis, Anti-Semitic behaviour and terror plotting. Belanger was apparently a big believer in overthrowing Zionist Order of Governments (ZOG) — a long-held racist chestnut among the extreme right.
His goal was allegedly to: “Engage in widespread homicide and sexual assault (to change America’s racial make-up), by raping white women to increase the production of white children.”
Much of his neo-Nazi behaviour took place while he was still a U.S. Marine. He is currently caged in Honolulu.
The FBI claims his favourite weapon was a German Luger — widely used by Nazis during the Second World War.
According to prosecutors, Belanger hired an NYPD officer to buy a PTR91 assault rifle while he was in Honolulu.
Belanger was booted from the Leathernecks in 2021 in what the Marines said was an “other than honourable discharge” for misconduct.
An FBI investigation in 2020 allegedly discovered in Belanger’s barracks “1,950 images, videos and documents related to white power groups, Nazi literature, brutality towards the Jewish community, brutality towards women, rape, mass murderers.”
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