Woke L.A. district attorney asks for reversal of death sentence of 1994 double killer

Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón has been labelled by some as woke for requesting the reversal of a 1994 death sentence of a man who killed two college students.

Raymond Oscar Butler was 18 when he killed Marymount California University students Takuma Ito and Go Matsuura in a carjacking in San Pedro, California.

Butler is now 46 and Gascón wants his death sentence wiped out, according to a 264-page filing he made earlier in July, the Whittier Daily News reported.

Gascón claimed Butler is mentally ill and was also suffering from trauma when he committed the murders, which caused him “significant cognitive impairment.”

If the motion is granted, Butler’s sentenced will be reduced to life without parole.

However, it does not reverse the separate death penalty Butler received for fatally stabbing another inmate in 2012, according to reports.

Gascón opposes capital punishment and said on Twitter that “over 50 percent of the people that are on death row today, including those from this county, which is approximately 250, have severe mental health problems.”

Butler killed film students Ito and Matsuura by shooting them and then took a car.

Back in the day, Butler’s mother Donna said the “system” failed him and her son suffered from suicidal tendencies and alcohol addiction, the Los Angeles Times reported in 1994.

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