Former Seaforth, Ont. golf pro found guilty of historical sexual offences

Warning: Some details are disturbing 

An audible gasp could be heard from the courtroom gallery in Goderich Superior Court Thursday as the jury returned their verdict. Cam Doig — guilty on all counts.

The offences dated back as far as 1995. The jury found Doig, 63, guilty of one count of sexual assault, one count of sexual interference and two counts of sexual exploitation.

The offences happened between 1995 and 1998 at the Seaforth Golf and Country Club where Doig was a golf professional for 25 years.

The victim, whose identity is protected by a publication ban, was between the ages of 13-17 at the time of the offences.

The victim says Doigs behavior began with inappropriate comments about her developing body. He asked about oral sex.

Did “she want to practice?” he’d say. On one occasion she says Doig rubbed his erect penis on her back while standing behind her at the driving range. She was 13 at the time.

In another incident, at the age of 15, the victim says Doig grabbed her hand to touch his penis. She resisted.

Doig is facing other separate historical charges, including two separate counts of indecent assault on a female. He is also facing a civil suit in relation to historical sex charges.

Doig’s family owns the Seaforth Golf and Country Club, where he has worked for most of his life.

CTV News spoke to the victim after the verdict. She says she feels relieved, and validated. She thanked the jury for listening to her.

Doig hugged his family, who were in the courtroom, after the verdict.

It took the jury of seven women and five men, approximately four hours to reach a guilty verdict.

The assistant Crown attorney asked the judge for Doig’s bail to be revoked, so he would go directly into custody. But, that request was denied. Doig is able to return home until his sentencing in late October.

Sentencing submissions for Doig, including victim impact statements, will take place on Oct. 21 via Zoom. His sentencing will take place on Oct. 28 in person, in Goderich.  

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