Letters to the Editor, Sept. 28, 2022


Justin Trudeau really didn’t intend to be disrespectful to Queen Elizabeth when he sang a few bars of Bohemian Rhapsody shortly before her funeral. He was likely “letting off steam,” as some have suggested. However, egotistical and jet-setting Justin had to know that the people of the U.K. were still in deep mourning after her passing — so proper respect and protocol was still in order! Nevertheless, our partying PM chose to belt out a few bars of this song by Queen. Did our me-first leader not think of the potential controversy this incident might cause, or did he just not care? In any case, many people in Canada were not impressed with our singing showboat! I am sure that the Royal Family and the grieving people in the U.K. were not too pleased with Trudeau, either!

Robert Norris

(That’s the problem with him — he doesn’t think. Regardless of the situation, he is clueless)


The face you saw walking down the aisle with his wife Sophie at the Queen’s funeral was so solemn looking I thought for a moment Justin Trudeau was about to break down in tears, which would have been acceptable given the situation. But after reading Lorrie Goldstein’s column “PM slammed for ‘tone deaf’ musical performance” (Sept. 19) I realized why. Our prime minister has been a total embarrassment on the world stage, from Great Britain to India and beyond. Bohemian Rhapsody — I don’t know if it was an embarrassment to Queen or an embarrassment to the Queen. I do know one thing: If the Canadian voters don’t get rid of this guy come election time, we’re all going to look like clowns.

Fred Mawhinney

(We agree)


The horrors of war have become apparent in Ukraine after the retreat of Russian troops from the city of Izyum in northeastern Ukraine. Mass graves of more than 440 souls, some showing signs of a violent death, hands tied behind their backs, rope wrapped around the neck, etc. A repeat performance for Putin’s army, documented war crimes in the city of Bucha and Kherson with burnt bodies on the streets, mass graves, with bodies showing signs of torture and execution. God help the Ukrainians.

Peter J. Middlemore Sr.

(Who will hold Putin accountable? The UN, U.S. or U.K.?  Putin isn’t afraid of anyone and will continue this unlawful war of his)


It was extremely devastating to hear about the deaths and tortures of the Ukrainian people. For people to have their hands tied behind their backs and killed is horrible. No human should ever have to go through anything like what happened here. The fact that some of these people who were tortured are also civilians is very concerning. Civilians should never be involved in incidents like these. Russia is breaching humanitarian law and committing war crimes, which is unacceptable.

Faiz Kerawala

(In our lifetime, it is doubtful Putin will ever be put before a court in The Hague )

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