Letters to the Editor, Sept. 30, 2022

Who in their right minds, starting with the current dysfunctional prime minister and the Liberal Party, thought legalizing drugs would work. It was and is every parent’s worst nightmare to have young adults be able to use drugs with the blessings of ‘experts.’ Also, look at who jumped into the market in ownership/sales and has made a very healthy income — former police officers, who arrested many for possession of the drug. It is bewildering to many that this action of legalization happened. As for the cultivation of the drug and the number of businesses, does one really think the government could grow/produce enough to fill the shelves. Illegal grow operations are continuously being found. An absolute blunder of an act of Parliament.

Wayne Smith
(But the genie is out of the bottle and nothing short of an act of parliament will reverse it)

Re “City hall quickly yanks vax campaign” (Joe Warmington, Sept. 22): As Brad Ross puts it, it’s always a good idea to ensure that your communications are “… effectively reaching the right audience with the right message.” That’s great, but how about doing exactly that, not only before you put them out for public consumption, but also before you spend $20,000 of taxpayer money on videos that may now have to be thrown in the garbage? Someone should be fired for this politically motivated screw-up, but they will probably just get a promotion.

Bruce Forsyth
(No one will get fired, no one will be held accountable, and will probably be encouraged to come up with another ridiculous ad)

Our Canadian Constitution states the leader of the political party with the most votes is designated the office of prime minister. What governs this designation is the number of local representatives elected in individual ridings. This is based on the model of British Parliament. The outcome is dependent on the strength of your acceptance of said candidates. It goes without saying the Conservative Party must present strong candidates in all ridings. I trust that is being addressed by Conservatives. Otherwise, we are doomed in the next federal election.

Edd Sloggett
St. Catharines
(Time will tell)

After reading Warren Kinsella’s column “Takin’ issue” Sept. 26 I think he makes some valid points, however I think James Carville‘s ‘it’s the economy’ remark is more on the point. Causes that fire up the base are important but it all comes down to if you can provide for yourself and your family. This issue for people that are not part of the upper 10% of money earners becomes the No. 1 issue, the rest fall off to be raised again when people find stability in their everyday life. Trudeau’s election wins are becoming slimmer because sunny ways and the economy will balance itself lacks credibility anymore. If I were Trudeau, I would call an election sooner than later. If he waits two or three years, the economy may not be in a favourable status to win an election on style points and virtue signalling.

Peter Karas
(Our economy is currently not in a favourable state. but we agree that we need another election soon)

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