New app helps you find nearby health and wellness care

MedWorks launches a new app Wednesday that is designed to put health and wellness care at your fingertips.

The MedWorks app — free to download as of Nov. 30 — allows you to see the best wellness providers in your area, schedule some services in your home and book remote appointments on your device.

Services include everything from a manicure/pedicure to a psychologist’s appointment, community paramedic visit, physiotherapy session, fitness trainer or mobile dental hygienist visit — for starters.

(Yes, there are mobile teeth cleaning services that come to you. Who knew?)

“The app will let you arrange everything from ready-made meals for a senior to a personal trainer to a mental health checkup to med-spa services,” says George Barakat, the founder and CEO of MedWorks.

Barakat explained in a recent interview that what the app can’t do (yet) is find you a good family doctor or show you a list of obstetricians in the neighbourhood — so, nothing involving OHIP.

And it doesn’t replace 911 or present itself as an emergency service.

What the app will do, Barakat hopes, is help people become proactive about their own health — better to see that mobile dental hygienist now, for example, than to wind up later at the emergency room with unbearable toothache.

“As the pandemic showed, our health-care system could use other options,” said Barakat, “and I’m not saying our system is broken — it’s the best health-care system in the world. It’s just that access is tough sometimes.”

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The next Canadian health-care crisis will be based on an aging population and not enough care providers, said Barakat, and he is not alone in that prediction.

“People need to move from reactive care to wellness care, and start taking responsibility for their health,” added Barakat.

If you’re too busy or not technically savvy enough to book your appointments with the app, MedWorks also offers care coordinatorsto help schedule your appointments and put them directly into your calendar.

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