BLIZZARD: Harry and Meghan's appalling trash-and-cash business model

Queen Elizabeth II was one of the greatest monarchs the U.K has ever had.

A class act, she led with dignity, courage and elegance. Those are all qualities sorely lacking in the way her grandson Prince Harry and his wife Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, have conducted themselves over the past year.

Their business model is trashing and cashing. They trash their family and cash in on Netflix.

The embittered prince, once a popular member of the royal family, seems determined to ruin any relationship he had with his family and with the British public. He comes across as not terribly bright and totally in the thrall of his manipulative wife.

His latest salvo in the Netflix documentary, Harry and Meghan, unleashed an attack on his brother Prince William, the Prince of Wales, calling him out for yelling at him during the 2020 so-called “Sandringham Summit” when H&M announced their intention to quit royal duties and live in California.

With every new over-sharing episode, the Sussexes slid further into a petty world of private grievances and pity porn. Their behaviour had become ever more spiteful. Even the late Queen didn’t escape their nastiness.

“It was terrifying to have my brother scream and shout at me and have my father say things that simply weren’t true, and my grandmother sit there and sort of take it all in,” Harry says in the fifth episode of their documentary series.

Most families keep private arguments just that — private. To call out his ailing, then 94-year-old grandmother is shocking.

One suspects the late Queen and other family members were paralyzed by the fear that any statement would be grist for a “truth bomb” further down the road.

H&M’s daughter, Lili, celebrated her first birthday during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June. H&M reportedly asked permission to bring a photographer with them when she meet the Queen. The response was a firm “No” from the late monarch, who was no doubt concerned any photograph would be monetized by the grasping pair.

It’s as if the Sussexes are intent on gaslighting on a grand scale. So many of their claims have been debunked as nonsense, who believes anything they say any more?

In the documentary, they complain the Toronto Police Service did nothing to shield Meghan from paparazzi during their courtship. Yet outgoing Toronto Police chief James Ramer told the Sun’s Joe Warmington recently that’s not true. They did “an excellent job.”

Back in 2016, I recall seeing a news photo with part of a Toronto Police cruiser clearly visible outside Meghan’s house. I called the cops to confirm and was told they didn’t discuss operational matters. But clearly there was a visible police presence at her home.

H&M’s behaviour towards their family is best characterized as bizarre. Having trashed their closest relatives on Oprah, they sulked when Meghan wasn’t allowed to travel with Harry to be at the late Queen’s deathbed.

Among the other documentary revelations that shocked was a scene in which Meghan demonstrates a mocking curtsy to the Queen.

“Pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty,” she says with a sneering giggle.

This documentary was presumably made prior to the Queen’s death, so they were prepared to hurt Harry’s 96-year-old ailing grandmother when she was alive. After her death, it defies every notion of delicacy that an ungrateful family member would be so cruel. What’s so appalling about acknowledging a life of service with a curtsy?

There’s been no response so far from King Charles or the Prince of Wales and nor is there likely to be. It’s unlikely they want to lower themselves to what would become a slanging match between family members. They’re bracing for the release of Harry’s autobiography, Spare, next month.

What’s left to reveal? The soup was cold at Buckingham Palace? Meghan tripped on a corgi?

The more you see of H&M, the less you like them.

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