Re “The value of CBC” (Letters to the Editor, Nov. 27): Wow! The chutzpah of Leon Mar, director, media relations for CBC/Radio-Canada, is a perfect example of the sense of entitlement one would expect from a government or government-funded entity. While Mar does a great job at detailing the types of programing CBC/Radio-Canada provides, one thing he (conveniently) leaves out are these are all things that could be better and more economically produced by the private sector. Why should we be paying over $1 billion for it?
Bruce Forsyth
(Short answer – we shouldn’t be)
After reading “Ontario-wide blitz for online child predators leads to 107 arrests” (Christ Doucette, Nov. 30), it occurred to me that these crimes are almost never unplanned, or short in duration. Children’s lives are completely destroyed, after much planning, collaboration, investment, and deliberate horror. Why doesn’t the punishment match the crime? Why are these monsters ever released when we know that their sickness remains, and they will most certainly return to hurting children? Why are the sentences so much less than for murder?
Pete Hetherington
Fort Erie, Ont.
(We don’t take these crimes seriously enough. There isn’t enough rehabilitation in the world for pedophiles and child predators)
I noticed many of the same people who are applauding the federal dental plan are also reporting that health care is in crisis due to lack of funding. Would it not make sense for the federal government to pay their share to health care before bringing in another social program Canada cannot afford? One other question, how much are the provinces expected to kick into this Trudeau/Singh smile campaign? A healthy smile doesn’t mean much to someone who is turned away from a full hospital.
Joe Johns
Shaman, Ont.
(That would require some logical thinking from Parliament Hill)
Another day, another high school lockdown (“Two in custody, two outstanding after gun call at Scarborough high school,” Postmedia, Dec. 1). When will those in power admit what they’re doing is not only useless, but also continuing to put our students at risk. Mayor Tory and the TDSB have to lose their collective egos. Swallow some humble pie and reinstate the SRO program, which the majority never did want shelved. People are tired of the handwringing, and blah, blah blathering about how unacceptable the current situation is.
Mike O’Hearn
(If this situation alone doesn’t demonstrate that to them, nothing will)
Regarding Ye’s (Kanye West) remarks, it is becoming run of the mill of what is coming out of the woke and rap cultures. Mainly disrespect for the law, the me-first and only viewpoints, and total lack of taking responsibility for one’s actions. Yes, we all have rights under the law, but hand-in-hand with those rights are our responsibilities for our actions towards society. West and his followers need a crash course in such.
Bob Dorcas
(Yes they do)
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