Letters to the Editor, Dec. 8, 2022


Why the f*** would you have Kanye West on the front page (and Page 3) of your newspaper? (“Ye gotta be kidding,” Dec. 2) He’s a nobody, a nothing, and he makes comments to get publicity whether good or bad — and you fell for it. Don’t you know he has mental problems? Canadians don’t care one iota about him, yet you put him on the front page of your paper as if it is very important what he says. It makes me wonder who is more stupid, you (The Toronto Sun) or him (West). In the meantime, you are relegating the war in Ukraine to one paragraph in the middle of the paper.

Alex Tali                                                                                                                                                   Scarborough

(We are a newspaper. West made news, so we covered the news. That’s what we do)


Re “Canada finishes World Cup without a result, but proves that ‘we are a soccer nation'” (Derek Van Diest, Dec. 2): I beg to differ with this headline. Canada got three results, but the bad news is that all three were losses. Sadly, our Canadian media appears to have fallen into the same abyss as the British sports media in making a win and a result synonymous. I expected better from us.

David Whiting                                                                                                                                   Mississauga

(It was nice just to be there, how about that?)


The United States has the White House. Britain, 10 Downing Street. What does Canada have? A cottage across the street from the prime minister’s official residence, 24 Sussex. Why is that? Because the mansion on the Ottawa River is so dilapidated, it needs to be refurbished or razed. A national embarrassment, indeed.

Dan Nyznik                                                                                                                                                 Keene, Ont.

(Yes it is. Tear it down)


Re “Santa gets sacked” (Postmedia Network, Dec. 2): Many years ago, at this time of the year there was a world of fantasy waiting for small children who visited Eaton’s Toyland in downtown Toronto. Santa with his sleigh and reindeers, angels, candy canes, little elves everywhere, rode in a circle surrounded by decorated Christmas trees with multi-coloured lights, music and presents under the trees. It was a wonderful world of fantasy for young eyes. In my old age, I fondly remember that wonderful world of joyful fantasy. Now, some woke parents want to take the magic out of Christmas for their little ones by removing Santa Claus. Please, just let children be children, use their imaginations and feel the joy, wonder and magic of Christmas.

Bernard A. Moyle                                                                                                                                              King City

(Most of us won’t let them take away the joy of the season)


For all of those people who refused to get a COVID vaccine because it was experimental, the flu vaccines are not and would help reduce its spread. This would help the children’s hospitals, which have unusually high caseloads now. These shots are not mandated, so you can get one free of the fear that the government is taking away your right to decide for yourself.

Tim Bilida                                                                                                                                                      Toronto

(We agree)

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