Letters to the Editor, Dec. 9, 2022


The state of Canada’s economy falls directly on his shoulders, he is the prime minister. A CEO of a corporation takes responsibility for the performance of his company, comparatively speaking. However, Trudeau prefers to blame COVID, the war in Ukraine, even former Prime Minister Harper, whatever he can come up with when facing tough questions on the sky-high inflation we are facing. It’s time for him to accept responsibility, get his house in order and stop throwing around our money with no consequence to himself. Every time he leaves the country millions, or billions, are handed out like Halloween candy, all the while Canadians have to choose between heat or eat. His policies are causing terrible hardships on families and seniors. Canada has the potential to be one of the most prosperous countries in the world — unfortunately we have Justin and his climate groupies standing in the way, they are anti-energy and resource development, thusly the wealth that can be generated stays in the ground. We have a record number of citizens using food banks, it’s disgraceful — he owns it. Perhaps when Canadians feel more financial hardships in the coming year as food prices are expected to be as high as they have ever been we will show Justin and his company the door in the next election. As was predicted in 2015, he was not, nor will he ever be, qualified to lead this great nation of ours, but hope is on the horizon.

Michael P. Wilson
St. Catharines

(We have massive debts and deficits, let’s hope a fourth time is not a charm for Trudeau and the Tories give Canadians good reasons to vote for them)


What is the matter with Me? Not me, the writer of this letter, but ME the poor little two-syllable word that so many people shy away from. In its place they use ‘myself,’ which is incorrect. Myself is a reflective pronoun that can only be used when the subject and the object of a sentence are the same person. She gave it to herself, he gave it to himself or she gave it to me. The ones I see who most often make this error are those who given their ‘position’ are, I suspect, better educated and should know better — politicians. Perhaps, on the other hand, that should not surprise me.

Ellery Hollingsworth

(Me, myself and I – these words are often confused)


When it comes to voting in an election, be it municipal, provincial or federal, the main driving factor for who you vote for should not be what political party it is. People should be voting for the best, most competent and sensible politician in their voting district. If voters would only pay attention, they would observe that the Canadian public is getting poorer, taxes are increasing along with debt. Your vote, your selection of politician, should really be based on who will screw up less.

Glenn Cunningham

(That leaves a narrow pool)

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