Nanaimo, B.C., senior crochets more than 10,555 toques for charity

Nanaimo, B.C. -

The other day, someone approached Kathleen Remple and asked why she always seemed so happy.

“I told her it was because I’m lazy,” Kathleen says, with a twinkle in her eye.

An answer that’s proving to be only partly true.

“Well, takes a lot more effort to frown than smile,” Kathleen says, bursting into laughter.

While that part is accurate, Kathleen’s mention of being “lazy” isn’t.

She grew up on the farm in Prairies during the Great Depression, learning to be resilient early.

“That was hard,” Kathleen says, before revealing she was one of 12 kids.

“It’s not cheaper by the dozen.”

They had no choice but to start working almost as soon as they were walking.

“Money was scarce as hen’s teeth,” Kathleen says. “And hens don’t have teeth.”

While the chickens lacked chompers, Kathleen says she always possessed a sense of positivity.

“I guess I was born that way,” she laughs.

The 89-year-old is now focusing her enduring positivity and unwavering work ethic on crocheting multi-coloured toques.

“I make one before breakfast, one before lunch, and one before dinner,” Kathleen says. “And if we’re lucky, one before bed!”

Although she consistently crafts three to four toques a day, Kathleen stopped keeping track of the total number she’s made a few years ago. But Kathleen does know she’s donated all of them to charity, more than 10,555 of them.

“It feels good,” Kathleen says humbly.

Because when you grow-up in the winter cold with nothing, you know how meaningful a little warm something can be.

“I’m glad I can do it,” Kathleen says.

Glad that being so “lazy” is keeping her so busy.

“You don’t have time to mope around,” Kathleen says, before bursting into the biggest laugh of all. 

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