WRPS wants $18 million budget increase to hire 19 more officers in 2023

As the Waterloo region police services board finalizes its budget ask, Chief Mark Crowell is recommending a $18.3 million increase that would allow the service to hire 19 more officers.

At a police services board meeting on Wednesday, Crowell said 19 officers would be needed based on the region’s average population growth over the last nine years.

Last year, the 2022 police budget was approved at $195.8 million. The service has a complement of around 820 officers.

“As a community we are sometimes thriving in our incredible operations and meeting our investigative and front-line needs. But at times we are behind the ball in keeping up with the pace of growth and the activity carrying throughout our region,” Crowell said, while presenting at the Wednesday morning meeting.

At a meeting in November, four budget options were laid out ranging from a $15.9 million increase to a $26.3 million increase.

On Wednesday, six options were presented, but Crowell recommended the third one – a 18.3 million budget increase that would allow for the hiring of 19 more officers and equate to a 7.2 per cent increase in property taxes.

Crowell called scenario three a “balanced and measured recommendation.”

Option three would provide frontline patrol enhancements and further enhancement to the Special Victims Unit and Intimate Partner Violence Unit, which a report presented the board called “high-volume victim-focused areas that require thorough investigations and victim care.”

The Intimate Partner Violence Unit investigated 1,659 cases so far in 2022. The Senior Support Team, Human Trafficking Unit and Special Victims Unit – excluding the Youth Protection Unit – investigated 408 cases to date in 2022.


Findings of a study conducted by KPMG on behalf of WRPS will be presented to the board in January, which Crowell said will further support the need for pressing investments in frontline patrol resources.

“[It]does reinforce the unmet needs and the pressing needs in the community from a growth perspective,” Crowell said.

The police board is expected to finalize and approve the proposed budget on Jan. 18. A presentation will be made to regional council on Feb. 1 with final approval from the region scheduled for Feb. 22.

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